West Papua Story

A Closer Look On Papua And West Papua Green Economy Program

Indonesia has a huge potential to have a green economy growth program. It is even more apparent for the eastern part where almost 42 ha of forest cover are located. The area is on Papua and West Papua. With the vast forest and natural wealth, the region is currently running for a green economy growth program. But why do so? 

The Importance Of Green Economy Growth

In past years, the two regions on Papua island have been showing great economic improvement. At some point, it is worth noticing that the economical growth has surpassed the national record in 7,33% and 6.24% (2018). But it does not mean that the regions have a significant contribution to Indonesia. The regions are still under poverty issues.

Considering the situation and the natural wealth, the region can do better. Thus, the idea of GEG (green economy growth) was mentioned to Papua. The program itself gives reasons and encouragement for improving the social welfare and justice in the province. At the same time, the program is believed to help decrease the negative impact of economical growth.

It mostly highlights the usage of natural and environmental resources to boost the local economy. That is why the principal goal of GEG is to increase continuous production on agriculture, forestry, and fishery in both Papua and West Papua. Thus, the program will also help in fulfilling demand as well as protecting nature, forests, and land.  

The Benefits

1. BUMKam And RPJM

The local government supports the idea since it has a huge positive impact on improving local welfare and preserving natural wealth. The strategy and the uses are changing over the location and needs. Thus it makes locals gain more leeway to implement the program. In other words, GEG does not force people to change but adapt and make a local join.

The strategy also helps spread incentive allocation to village funds in joining the program. Some of the impacted villages also use Transfer Keuangan Berbasis Ekologi (EFT) or ecology bases financial transfer scheme. The idea meant to create more equality and quality for the local economy. To make it even better, the program also creates ranges of integration.

Many local or village organizations are surfacing to support the program. Some of them are RPJM or Rencana Program Jangka Menengah kampung (Medium long-term planning for village) and BUMKam or Badan Usaha Milik Kampung (village owned enterprise). West Papua and Papua will have a strong push in managing their potential in the market and agriculture.

2. Increase Local Income

Another worth mentioning effect is the local income improvement through varying agriculture programs and facilitation. Locals gain great income from the revitalization of traditional farms, including cacao farms, agarwood development & plant sales outlet, and the uses of vanilla and coconut commodities in the area.

3. Contributing In Local Growth And Development

While the local farming, contribution, and economy got an exponential increase, the program also help take care of the forest’s natural wealth. With proper implementation, it also avoids any deforestation or illegal logging. Not to mention how the program attracts ranges of investment and infrastructure development.

It indicates that the GEG program will turn into a dedicated idea with more benefits. The benefit also covers the local development and growth contribution in both regions. Ranges of infrastructure building are starting to take shapes. Some of the areas and programs also provide job opportunities for both male and female Papua or West Papua locals.

Since the locals can optimize the natural wealth and uses, it will give a significant increase in production and income for a local farmer. The number itself is very huge. For example, you can see that the vanilla farmer can gain 3,5 million rupiahs in each yield. It does the same with dried cacao priced around 22 million rupiahs each ton.   

4. Lowering Down The Green House Effect 

Aside from agriculture and farming, GEG also opens ranges of chances to establish ecotourism. A study in 2019 stated that tourism based on the environment has a great direct and indirect economic potential that can reach up to 1,6 million a year. It is also worth mentioning that some cultural locations in Sorong also get a nice potential that reaches up to 168 million a year.

Introducing ecotourism and GEG also help in preserving natural wealth. It is especially true since the land has a vast peatland. Comprehensive education about land management and usage will prevent environmental damage. It also helps preserve Papua and West Papua nature, forest, marine, fauna, and flora to contribute to preventing the greenhouse effect.

Implementing GEG in Papua might be the answer to increasing the local economy and protecting the natural wealth on the island. The point and implementation can spread across the area or province, which means GEG can adapt to the local area. The program will help locals accustomed to the new change. 

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