West Papua Story

All About The Expansion of the Provinces Papua and West Papua

Source : Suara Dewata

Indonesia will have three new provinces resulting from the division of Papua and West Papua, namely Central Papua Province, South Papua Province, and Central Highlands Papua Province. 

The addition of regions in eastern Indonesia aims to accelerate equitable development and serve the Papuan people better.

Why is the Expansion of Papua Province Performed?

The expansion of the provinces of Papua and West Papua is a point of no return realized immediately. It is impossible for the territory of Papua’s seven large indigenous peoples to control the state if there are only two provinces.

Who Supports The Expansion of Papua?

According to the Governor of West Papua, Dominggus Mandacan, the central government will immediately complete the moratorium or postponement of the expansion of the Papua region.

The requirements for the development of three new provinces are said to be complete. The public welcomes the plan.

Dominggus also hopes that all parties in Papua will support the struggle for the division province. Some parties are fighting for the division themselves. Also, institutions claim to be able to help realize the division of the district.

Support for the expansion of Papua was approved by the Regent of Puncak, Papua, Willem Wandik. There should be five provinces in the Papua region. It is necessary to divide three districts. There are only two, namely Papua and West Papua.

Province Region Resulting from the Expansion of Papua Province

After the division, Papua will have a total of 5 provinces. The following are the details of the regional divisions of the three provinces:

1. South Papua Province

Anim Ha or South Papua Province, the capital city in Merauke. Anim Ha Province includes four districts:

2. Central Papua Province

Central Papua Province, the capital city of Timika, is located in Mimika Regency. Central Papua Province consists of six districts, including:

3. Papua Province Central Mountains

Central Highlands Papua Province, the capital city in Wamena Jayawijaya Regency. Central Mountains Papua Province has eight districts, namely:

Do the Three New Provinces in Papua Use Customary Names?

The official names of the three new provinces in Papua will later use traditional names. 

The Head of the South Papua Province Expansion Team (PPS) rejected the use of the name of the customary area as the name of the province for the following reasons:

1. Dutch Traditional Names

Names of the traditional territories were engineered and given by the Netherlands. For example, South Papua Province changed to Anim Ha Province. That makes the five major tribes in the southern part of Papua object.

2. Referring to the Marind Tribe

Dozens of other small tribes must object. Because the Ha Anim explicitly indicates the Marind Tribe has a philosophy of referring to oneself as a real human being.

Meanwhile, people outside the Marind Tribe are explicit as icons, which means the nation or the degrading degree of human beings.

3. Not Representing All Tribes

Names are fictitious and don’t represent all the tribes taking shelter in the area. 

Preferably, the names of the division of Papua and West Papua use the names of South Papua, Central Papua, and Central Highlands Papua, so they represent all the tribes in Papua.

The Purpose of the Expansion of 3 Provinces in Papua

As for the considerations for expansion of 3 provinces, the DPR carried several reasons regarding the need in Papua, namely:

1. Authority of the Papua Autonomy Law

The authority of the Papua Special Autonomy Law for implementation of regional autonomy, equity, harmonious relations between regions, development, ease of access, welfare, and reducing inequality are some of them.

2. Easier Service

The next goal is that services to the community get closer so that the acceleration of development can be carried out in stages.

3. Community Prosperity and Welfare

The DPR has started drafting regulations for the division of provinces in Papua. These efforts claim to accelerate the achievement of prosperity and welfare of the people.

In addition, three DOB (new autonomous regions) there, then services, facilitation, and development that place the Papuan people as the subject will be more evenly distributed and reach the Papuan people more broadly.

There are Concerns about the Establishment of 3 New Provinces

The community is concerned about new provinces, a new territorial unit in Papua and West Papua. It will make three Kodam and new units under it.

That will impact the number of military troops in Papua and the potential to increase human rights violations and violence in Papua.The state wants the Provinces of Papua and West Papua to be on par with other regions. Equal in progress, prosperity, and justice in all areas of life.

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