West Papua Story

Forbes’s List: Youngest Millionaire in Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is a neighboring country with many things to offer to the world. Businesses and politicians with a lot of influence lead the economy in this country, similar to other countries. Moreover, these public figures will mostly be insanely rich, like the one on the Forbes list. One particularly stands out because he is the youngest millionaire in Papua New Guinea among the others. 

Forbes's List: Youngest Millionaire in Papua New Guinea
Source: Lifepal

To get into this list is an insane achievement. However, being the youngest is also not such an easy job. Here is some information about Belden Namah, as the youngest on Forbes’s richest person’s list in 2020. Also, you can check on the other influential people in this article. Here they are. 

Youngest Millionaire in Papua New Guinea Forbes’s List

Born in the late 1960s, Belden Namah has achieved so many things in his life. He has not just become one of the richest persons in Papua New Guinea but also the youngest. He has several positions as a politician, businessman, and former military officer. 

In the 1990s, he was one of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force officers. His position was captain at that time. Before participating in the country’s politics, he was a businessman who gained a lot of fortune in logging. In his political year, he joined as the deputy Prime Minister. A position that is quite hard to obtain. 

The Other Persons on the List

Besides Belden Namah as the youngest millionaire in Papua New Guinea, other politicians, leaders, and business people are also included in those Forbes lists. To know more about them, read this article below: 

Bob Dadae obtained his degree at the University of Papua New Guinea in 1988 and his MBA at Griffith University in 1995. He was also part of the country’s parliament.

Before this position, he was also the accountant of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea. Not only that, but he was also a board member of the publishing press, the Christian Press. 

In 2002, he won the position of deputy leader in the National Parliament of Papua New Guinea. A second election occurred in 2007, as Minister of Defence until 2011. He was and still is influential to the people and the country of Papua New Guinea. 

John Mamis is a politician who is also active in his social and religious activities. He served as a Catholic priest from 1970 until the year of 1993. He was taking part in the Constitution of Papua New Guinea. 

On the 10th of June 2010, John Momis was also elected as president of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. In the years 1999 to 2005, he was the Governor of Bougainville. He was also the ambassador for the Republic of China in world affairs. 

Don Polye has held a lot of positions in his life. He has experience in Finance, Immigration, Transport, Foreign Affairs, and Civil Aviation in his career. 

In 2002, he was first elected to the National Parliament of Papua New Guinea as a member of the National Alliance Party. From July 2006 to August 2009, he served as the Minister for Transport and Civil Aviation.

Final Thoughts

Forbes’ list for 2020 includes a larger number of wealthy and successful individuals. The following list includes information about the youngest millionaire in Papua New Guinea, Belden Namah. These people on this list are not merely rich. They are awakened by the world’s situation and try to change those problems. They are politicians, businessmen, and also socially awakened people.

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