West Papua Story

The Governor of Papua Sets the date of 21 November as the Special Autonomy Day of Papua

The Governor of Papua Province, Luke Enembe will set the 21 November as a special autonomy day for Papua Province. The celebration of Special Autonomy Day begins with a two-day national seminar.


In front of the National Workshop participants in Sasana Krida, Tuesday (14/11/2017), Lukas Enembe said that the granting of special autonomy for the years of 2001 to 2025 for the Papua province is not a gift, but the struggle of all components of the people to obtain the essence of independence within the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia.[1]

Image from melanesiahotnews.com
Image from melanesiahotnews.com

Papua Province Secretary Hery Dosinaen said the celebration will be commenced with exhibition and publication of the results of development during the last four years.


Determination of November 21 as a Special Autonomy Day aims to inform and remind the granting of Special Autonomy status to the people of Papua, “he said, Wednesday (15/11)


He said Papua is in the condition of national and international politics with a remarkable record so that TNI/Polri, Civil State Apparatus and experts from all academics are expected to give a positive contribution to what should be done in the future and especially for the end of special autonomy.


Hery Dosinaen stated that during the last four years, development in Papua showed better results. “We have totally revised the Special Autonomy Law with clear and explicit legal references in order to organize local government and also have the authority to organize and process natural resources,” he said.[2]


As regulated in the Clause 34 to 36 of the Law about Special Autonomy of Papua, is actually an opportunity for the government and the people of Papua and West Papua provinces to spur processes: (1) Accelerated development in various fields, both physical and non-physical. (2) Increasing the quality of governance and public services. (3) The increasing of creative development acceleration initiatives that are relevant to the specificity and social, economic, cultural, geographic and natural resource potentials of both provinces.[3]



[1] 21 November akan ditetapkan sebagai Hari Otsus Papua, diakses dari laman http://tabloidjubi.com/artikel-11518-21-november-akan-ditetapkan-sebagai-hari-otsus-papua.html 17/11/2017

[2] Esthi Maharani, Gubernur Papua Tetapkan 21 November Hari Otonomi Khusus, diakses dari laman http://nasional.republika.co.id/berita/nasional/daerah/17/11/15/ozfoa3335-gubernur-papua-tetapkan-21-november-hari-otonomi-khusus 17/11/2017

[3] Otonomi Khusus Provinsi Papua dan Provinsi Papua Barat, Peluang, Tantangan, dan Harapan, diakses dari laman https://polkam.go.id/otonomi-khusus-provinsi-papua-dan-provinsi-papua-barat-peluang-tantangan-dan-harapan/ pada 17/11/2017

Keywords: West Papua, Papua, Republic of Indonesia, Special Autonomy, local government, 21 November, celebration, development, politics, people of Papua.


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