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Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Locals in West Papua

People nowadays realize that planet earth is getting worse. Human existence makes it more severe because of its highly modern activities. Moreover, Greenhouse gas emissions become one of the big reasons.

It is causing bad impacts, such as exacerbating the effects of global warming. In addition, many countries feel the climate changes and the earth’s damage. For example, the melting polar ice causes an extreme flood. 

Indonesia, as a tropical country, experiences a greater impact. The emissions raise climate change and increase the air temperature. But now people in certain areas are more aware of reducing like in West Papua.

What is Actually Greenhouse Gas?

Everyone has an obligation to protect nature

You should understand what exactly the greenhouse gas emission definition is. This natural phenomenon is the trigger for the occurrence of various earth damages.

Greenhouse gas is also called GHGs which means trapping the heat in the earth’s atmosphere. The sun shines on the surface and produces warmth. But, it sends the heat back into the air at night, so the surface feels cold.

Unfortunately, the heat can not return to the air when the atmosphere is full of gasses. The gases trap the heat; thus, it keeps producing high temperatures during the night.

Human’s daily activities back many factors behind this. You may not realize that small habits can damage the earth. For example, the increase of burning fossil fuels by using crowded vehicles.

According to this, greenhouse gas emissions and climate change are interrelated as a cause and effect. When the heat can not release back, it disrupts nature’s balance, including its climate.

Locals in West Papua Take Role

Human activities affect emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions effects bring many risks for human beings and other creatures. They are the hotter air temperatures extreme rainfall then causes floods, destructive storms, and hurricanes, etc.

All the earth’s damages obviously disturb human existence in any field, such as economic losses and causing health problems. Because of this condition, Indonesia contributes to reducing this.

People in West Papua are more aware of these impacts and have been starting environmental awareness programs. Moreover, the most interesting thing is that locals enthusiastically support this. They are intensively taking action to prevent and reduce greenhouse gas effects.

The Ministry of Environmental and Forestry (KLHK) supports local people in West Papua in realizing this program. Agus Justianto, the Director General of KLHK, said the locals are the most prominent part of this action.

Greenhouse gas emission in Indonesia is getting worse, and the biggest triggering factors come from people’s activities. So they will be the main characters who are bringing the changes.

The Supportive Programs Reducing The Emissions

Reducing emission by protecting nature

The governments took the locals’ support while doing socialization about greenhouse gas emissions in Indonesia. People in West Papua understand the damages of climate change and then commit to reducing it.

The basic program is about socializing the commitment to keeping the forest and environmental sustainability. This is because the indigenous people are more understanding of the local knowledge. They depend on forests to provide life necessities, especially food.

The ministry also prepared a plan asking each province in West Papua to fulfill a target in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The plan targets the forest area. 

The government also has the support of the local police. These programs have legal protection from the local police and law to prevent unpredicted obstacles.


Greenhouse gas emissions should be prevented early by having consciousness of the damages. Furthermore, it will destroy human existence someday. You can not fight it alone, but people will protect it together like what locals do in West Papua. Of course, we must support this program for the environment’s good.