West Papua Story

Meet Asmat Tribe: Indonesia’s Most Mysterious Ethnic Group

meet asmat tribe
meet asmat tribe

Let’s meet Asmat Tribe, a tribe in South Papua. The Asmat ethnicity is known for its unique wood carvings. The population of the Asmat is divided into two. Those who live on the coast and those who live in the interior. 

These two populations differ in dialect, way of life, social structure, and rituals. The coastal population has some parts: the Bisman tribe, between the Sinesty River, the Nin River, and the Simai Tribe.

Meet Asmat Tribe: Who’s behind?

It is said that Fumeripits was stranded on the beach dying and unconscious. A group of birds saved his life. Finally, he recovered and lived alone in a new area. Because of loneliness, he built a long house filled with carved sculptures. However, he was still lonely. Then, he makes Tifa which he beats every day.

Suddenly, the wooden statue he made moved to the rhythm of the life he was playing. It was magical. Then, the statues transformed into living humans. They stiffly danced to the beat of the drums, and both knees moved left and right.

Since then, Fumeripits has continued to wander. He built longhouses in every area he visited and created new humans who later became Asmat people like this.

The Life of the Asmat’s in Papua

The way of living for this tribe is unique. They used to inhabit mushy brown plains covered by river spider webs. The Asmat tribe is very fond of sago caterpillars as a particular dish. In addition, people used to roast fish or game meat for daily food.

Asmat’s Customs

Up to now, the Asmat community still adheres to the customs inherited from their ancestors. These customary laws are always applied in their daily lives, including:

1. Tradition During Pregnancy

When Asmat women are pregnant, their families will guard them strictly. Pregnant women will be treated better until the due date, and the baby is born healthy and safe.

2. Birth Process

After the baby is born, there will be a salvation ceremony by cutting the umbilical cord with the help of a knife made of sharpened bamboo. The mother will breastfeed the baby for 2 to 3 years.

3. The Asmat Marriage 

Marriage can only be done when someone is 17 years old or older. Both parties must agree that the wedding will take place. There is also a habit of testing the courage of men by buying women using antique plates.

4. Mummifying

In the culture of the Asmat tribe, there is a tradition of preserving the dead people’s bodies, known as mummification. However, this only applies to tribal or traditional heads. Asmat will then display the mummified bodies of leaders in front of their traditional houses.

Traditional Ceremonies

  1. Death Ritual

For the Asmat, someone’s death is not caused by natural things but by an evil spirit that interferes and causes the person to die. Therefore, the Asmat community believes that their sick members should be made of a fence made of palm tree branches. 

The wall aims to keep the evil spirits around them away and not coming back. Asmat people will also crowd around sick people even though they do not treat or feed them. However, after a sick person dies, they will scramble to hug and roll over in the mud.

The corpse will then be placed on a para or woven bamboo until it rots. Asmat people will store the bones on a wooden tree, and the skull will be used as a pillow to symbolize affection for their relatives.

  1. The Mbismbu

Mbis ceremony is an engraving of a statue of a pillar of an ancestor or relative who has died. This Asmat traditional ceremony means that they always remember their dead relatives. If the death were due to being killed, they would also take revenge by killing him.

  1. Yentpokmbu ceremony

The Asmat group gives the name of the bachelor’s house according to the owner’s name. They would use the bachelor’s home for religious or non-religious activities. In addition, they use this house for family gatherings. However, under certain conditions, for example, during an attack, women and children are not allowed to enter.

Wrapping Up

After meet Asmat tribe you will know that they have a lot of dance and singing arts. They perform these dances and songs when welcoming guests, during harvest time, and paying homage to the spirits of their ancestors. They are very respectful to their ancestors, which can be seen in every tradition they have. Even though modern culture has influenced their lives now, Asmat traditions and customs will be difficult to remove. The Asmat have a unique culture and deserve to be the main object that should be studied further when visiting Papua.

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