West Papua Story

Meet Yaifo Tribe: The Papua Uncontacted Tribe Exist

While we enjoy advanced and modern life, there are still many primitive tribes out there who live in isolation from the world, for example, the Papua uncontacted tribe. It’s not that they don’t care, but they refuse to see the outside world. 

Meet Yaifo Tribe: The Papua Uncontacted Tribe Exist
Source: The Telegraph

Despite the high speed of public transportation in urban areas, our earth is still filled with rural tribes whose lives are very isolated. Some tribes from various parts of the world still choose to live isolated amid current developments.

While not malicious, these tribes can become aggressive if they feel threatened. This tribe became an isolated population and rejected the outside world. You should avoid this tribe when you are exploring. One of them is the primitive tribe, Yaifo. 

Papua Uncontacted Tribe 

The Papua Uncontacted Tribe Exist. They are known to hunt animals still and gather food from plants available in nature. The following is a review of the tribe.

1. Living in Papua New Guinea

The Yaifo tribe is a primitive tribe that lives in the East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea. The tribe who chose to seclude themselves also balked at outsiders who entered their territory. This primitive tribe has different beliefs and customs. 

To arrive in the territory of this tribe, you have to go along the river for a month. Or if the walk can reach 6 weeks through the forest, which is very dangerous. No wonder the Yaifo tribe is so isolated from the outside world. It is estimated that there are still more than 40 isolated tribes in Papua New Guinea.

2. First Contact With the World in 1988

The tribe first came into contact with the outside world in 1988, when British explorer Benedict Allen traveled to Papua New Guinea and accidentally visited their civilization. The writer and adventurer from England tell an interesting story about the fearsome dance of this tribe that greeted him. 

Allen said they greeted him with a terrifying show of power, an energetic dance featuring their bows and arrows. At that time, Allen, who accidentally met them, was forced to attend a traditional ceremony for three weeks, during which he was also tortured.

3. Depend On Nature

The survival of the Yaifo Tribe still depends on nature. This tribe consists of hunters, considering they survive by hunting animals on the island. They hunt and gather food from animals and plants, such as building canoes for fishing, catching crabs, and hunting small game with bows, arrows, and spears. 

Allen, who witnessed the horrors of the Yaifo tribe, said that he was impressed by the ability of the members of this tribe to walk quickly through the trunks of trees without any safety equipment. Meanwhile, they trained the women to be spies. Their presence is almost undetectable.

4. Speak the Nete Language

This primitive tribe in central Papua New Guinea speaks the Nete language and is considered one of the most isolated tribes in the world. So isolated their language is not known by outsiders, even by the tribes close to them. The Yaifo tribe usually does not maintain contact with the outside world, and if you run into these people, you may be greeted with arrows and bows. Not only are they isolated from the modern world, but they are also said not to know if there is life other than their circle.That’s Yaifo Tribe: The Papua Uncontacted Tribe Exist. They are considered the last indigenous group untouched by the outside world. The world is still filled with some of the most primitive tribes and is far from all modern development. We hope this information can be useful for you.

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