West Papua Story

Papua Province Map and Various Traditions That Are Still Being Preserved

papua province map
papua province map

Are you planning a trip to see the local traditions in the province of Papua, Indonesia? Do not worry about getting lost if you visit Papua province. The Indonesian government provides tourists with a Papua province map on Indonesia’s government website to inform you further.

Papua Province Map—About Papua Province in Indonesia

This part of Indonesia is a province of the Indonesian territory of Papua. It is located in the middle section of the island of Papua or the easternmost part of the Indonesian territory of Papua. Papua Province has a total area of 312,224.37 km2 and is Indonesia’s biggest province.

At first, Irian Jaya was the old name for the province of Papua, which included the whole island of Papua. It has been split into two areas since 2003. They are the eastern section remaining known as Papua and the western part known as Papua Barat (West Papua). 

The Papua region is home to a fascinating array of cultures, not simply in terms of the environment. What are some essential Papuan traditions to be aware of? Read more below.

Traditions in the Province of Papua, Indonesia

After reading the brief of the Papua province map above, let us look at its unique traditions below.

1. The Finger Cut Tradition

Since ancient times, the Dani tribe has practiced severing fingers in the Baliem Valley. They believe that cutting a finger, according to Dani, represents the loss and anguish of losing a loved one. It can be caused by losing spouse, wife, kid, brother, or sister. Also, finger-cutting is a strategy to avoid the tragedy happened again. It prevents a bad luck for the family.

2. Stone Burning

The Stone Burning is well known as Bakar Batu. Papuan usually conducted The ceremony around the moment of a child’s birth, a traditional marriage, a tribe chief’s coronation. They also held it for a gathering of war warriors. For all indigenous Papuans, the Bakar Batu tradition is significant. It is a form of thanks and as a meeting spot for rural inhabitants.

Most Papuan tribes are still practice this tradition until today. They are living in the interior, such as the Baliem Valley, Nabire, Bintang Mountains, and Panaiai. Each area has its own name for this ancient celebration. They are Gapiia in the Paniai tribe, Kit Oba Isogoa in Wamena, and Barapen in Jayawijaya.

The name itself derives from the processing of the stone. They burn the stone till it gets hot. They use the hot stone for cooking meat, sweet potatoes, and vegetables on banana leaves. These foods are for all the locals attending the current event.

3. The Baliem Valley Festival

The Baliem Valley Festival is a ritual performed by the Dani, Yali, and Lani tribes. These tribes live in the Baliem Valley. The first festival was in 1989 and continues to this day. 

People in Papua province perform at the Baliem Valley Festival in August over three days. They will also perform a traditional Baliem dance and a battle. Most tourists love to enjoy this dance.

4. Ararem Customs (Biak Tribe)

Ararem is a Biak tribal ritual that refers to the procession of the groom’s extended family from the bride and groom. The family sends the potential spouse and alimony for the potential bride. The groom delivered The alimony on foot from the his home to the bride’s home. In addition to the alimony, the groom also carries the red and white flag flying with them.

5. Blood-glued Tifa

Tifa is a traditional Indonesian musical instrument from Papua and Maluku. It is a drum-shaped tool from wood with a hole in the center and wrapped in animal hide. 

Tifa is traditionally made using human blood as a binding agent in Papua province. They believe using blood for Tifa can lengthen the shelf life.

6. Tattooing

The Moi or Malamoi tribes generally practice tattooing. For them, tattoos are a way of beautifying themselves by inking unique patterned tattoos on their bodies. Asian immigrant brought The distinctive design on the Moi tribal tattoo. This Asian immigrant arrived in the Sorong in the Neolithic Era.

The local traditions in Indonesia may look unusual to some people, yet they also look interesting. If you are planning a trip to Papua, Then this Papua Province Map article may help you.

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