West Papua Story

Political Party in West Papua

political party in West Papua

History has recorded that local parties in Papua have registered with the KPU in Papua. One of the political party in West Papua is listed as a local party under the name of the United Papua Party, which also receives controversy from many people

Formation of Political Parties in West Papua by Studying Local Parties from Aceh

The Papuan People’s Assembly delegation visited the Aceh Party office located in the Batoh area, Lueng Bata, Banda Aceh. This visit aims to learn about the ins and outs of the formation of local parties in Aceh.

They asked several important points, such as the history of the founding of the party. To the reasons for the implementation of government regulations.

Regarding local Aceh parties which were dropped in a short time. In fact, in Papua itself, it has been regulated in Undang Undang Number 21 in 2001.

The law discusses Papua’s special autonomy which has already explained the voting rights of the Papuan people. But unfortunately it can’t go well due to differences in interpretation between the central government and local residents. 

Formation of Lokal Papua Party

Through the formation of local politics in Papua, it turns out to be a forum. For conveying the aspirations of the Papu people. The National Human Rights Commission stated that the same thing happened during the Free Aceh Movement. When it allowed the formation of local parties.

So far, there has been no turmoil at all except people arguing politically with each other. With the existence of this local party, it is hoped that it will be able to reduce the occurrence of armed conflicts between regions in the West Papua region.

The hope is that by forming a Lokal Papua party, it will be able to create a dynamic and safer situation in the future. For various reasons, finally a local party in West Papua was formed in order to be able to realize the goal of a more dynamic Papua.

Partai Papua Bersatu 

One of the local parties in West Papua is the Partai Papua Bersatu or PPB. The party had plans to participate in the 2019 Legislative General Election but was rejected by the Mahkamah Konstitusi.

The Constitutional Court chose to reject the application for review of Undang Undang Number 21 in 2001 concerning Papua’s Special Autonomy. The refusal contained local Papuan parties that could not participate in the national elections.

This shows a difference when compared to the agreement to Aceh. Instead, they get the specialty to form local political parties which are carried out independently in terms of selection mechanisms and recruitment

Efforts of Local Papuan Parties to Participate in National General Elections

The United Papua Party as one of the first local parties in Papua continues to strive to be participants in the legislative elections in 2019. Many of them are fighting for local parties to participate in the legislative elections.

As a customary envoy, Yonas Nussy admitted that he was concerned if local parties in Papua did not participate in the verification of political parties at the national level. They asked why KPU Papua was not able to fight for the party properly.

In addition, the large number of children joining local political parties in Papua has made the customary delegates even more concerned. This should have become a common concern and protection because it has been fighting for it for a long time.

There is a lot of controversy related to political party in West Papua. This is due to differences of opinion between local residents and the Mahkamah Konstitusi. Besides that it is also influenced by customary customs in Papua itself.

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