West Papua Story

The Government Steps to Overcome Floods in West Papua

Source : Cnn Indonesia

Flash floods are now hitting the Jayapura, Papua area once again. Several districts of West Papua must feel this horrible incident. The impact of the flood itself is alarming, which can cause widespread damage and result in the loss of human life.

All people who live in flood plains or places that do not have a flood warning system are the most vulnerable to this problem.

The floods in Papua mainly hit several districts in Jayapura City and nearby areas, such as North Jayapura District, South Jayapura, Abepura, Heram, and Muara Tami.

The Government In Overcoming Floods In West Papua

Atmospheric conditions that trigger heavy rain or the rapid melting of snow and ice can cause severe flooding. Geography can also make an area more vulnerable to flooding. Areas near rivers and cities are often at risk of flash flooding.

The government has prepared several steps to carry out an emergency response after the flood in West Papua. One of the steps taken by the government is the deployment of heavy equipment to clean up trash in rivers and roads due to flooding.

Minister for Public Works and Human Settlements has prepared several emergency handling steps after the flood in Jayapura City.

They even carried out short-term measures by reviewing efforts to normalize three rivers: the 1.9-kilometer Siborgonyi, 1.6-kilometer Acai, and 660-meter Makanoay river.

River normalization is also carried out not without reason. Based on the government’s evaluation, one of the causes of flooding is the occurrence of river sedimentation and blockage of garbage in the watershed so that the heavy rain that falls causes the river to overflow.

In addition to normalizing the river, the government also handles the cleaning of several roads affected by flooding.

And for the long-term handling of flooding, the government will plan to build infrastructure for water conservation and flood control in West Papua.

Several ways to prevent flooding in West Papua

Everyone must consider ways to prevent flooding, not only people in West Papua. Do you remember that prevention is better than protection? Here are some of them:

1. Have a Garden at Home

Trees and greenery can help prevent flooding, especially if you know how to plant trees at home properly. After that, the plant will stick its roots into the soil. The holes produced by the seeds provide a pathway for water to penetrate further into the ground.

Without plants, rainwater often does not penetrate the soil deeply because rocks block it. It makes the amount of water on the surface increase and leads to the potential of flooding. By having a green and beautiful garden, you can take one step further in preventing flooding.

2. Reforestation and Selective Cutting of Trees 

Reforestation is necessary to prevent flooding. Trees that have been cut down should have a replacement. What is reforestation? Reforestation is cutting down trees that have been woody and then replanting with new tree shoots. It is done to regenerate the forest so that it is not deforested and floods occur.

3. Protecting the Environment

All people must pay attention to the main thing is protecting the environment, including rivers or sewers. Rivers should be appropriately maintained, and do not throw garbage into ditches.

4. Throw The Trash In Its Place

Dispose of rubbish in its Place is not a difficult thing. But Indonesian people often throw rubbish carelessly, especially throwing it into rivers. 

Of course, this will have a destructive impact on the future. Because the rubbish that accumulates can cause flooding when rainfall is high, as happened in West Papua. Proper trash management and disposal can help prevent and overcome floods.

5. Diligently Clean Drains

Repair and cleaning of drains is a must. This activity is usually held in cooperation by particular communities. This maintenance must be carried out continuously at regular intervals. Therefore, when there is heavy rain, it does not cause clogged water channels that can cause flooding.

6. Avoiding Illegal Logging

The following way to deal with flooding is to avoid illegal logging. Trees play an essential role in flood prevention. Cutting down trees is not prohibited if you want to replant the trees and don’t let the forest be deforested.

7. Preserving the Forest

Preserving forests can be done by reducing tissue, paper, and various things that use wood as the primary material. It is believed to be one of the surefire efforts to overcome flooding.Floods will not only occur in West Papua. Therefore, those of you who are in other areas must always be careful and be able to apply the steps taken by the government to prevent flooding.

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