West Papua Story

Papua Has Various Tribes And Cultures That You Need To Know

The Earth of Cendrawasih is also rich in tribes and cultures. The indigenous Papuan ethnic group consists of 255 tribes with different languages and cultures. Not only the indigenous Papuans, there are many migrant tribes living in the land of Papua who live mingle with the indigenous Papuans. Here so many fact about unique tribes and cultures.

Interesting of Tribes And Cultures

Although each tribe has its own language to communicate, they still use Indonesian. However, they use Indonesian with a typical Papuan dialect. Until now, customs and culture in Papua are generally still preserved from generation to generation, through

Indonesian Tong Pu Language, the everyday language of Papua

We often hear Papuan people abbreviate words. Their goal is to abbreviate words to make it more practical and efficient. For example, the word “we” is shortened to “kitorang”. Even sometimes, many people outside Papua misinterpret the abbreviated language. It’s like saying “I went to Jayapura” to “sa pi Jayapura”, but that doesn’t mean the cows come from Jayapura. This is inetesting tribes and cultures.

Papuan abbreviations are referred to as Indonesia Tong Pu Language, which means “Indonesia is our language”. This abbreviated language has become the everyday language of the Papuan people.

Papua is no longer a disadvantaged area

Now, Papua is no longer a disadvantaged area. Although it has not yet been fully developed, the land of Papua is already quite developed. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo is also currently building the Trans Papua route, to connect cities on the island in eastern Indonesia. This is one of unique tribes and cultures.

Like other regions, some areas in Papua also now have internet access. Papua also already has a number of airports. In 2015, President Jokowi officially established Wamena and Kaimena Airports. Although, most of the areas on Earth of Cendrawasih have not been touched by development.

Chewing betel nut  tradition

Areca nut is a palm plant that is widely believed by Papuans to strengthen and clean teeth. The people there like to eat areca nut. They chew betel nut with betel and lime. Like chewing gum, if the betel nut doesn’t taste sweet, throw it away. No wonder if in public places a lot of red saliva is found. This tradition related with tribes and cultures. Read also Fact About West Papua that you need to know.

Regardless of age, people in Papua love to chew betel nut, from children to adults. Because chewing betel nut has become a community tradition on the Earth of Cendrawasih.

Burning stones is a Papuan ritual to eat together

Another tradition that is no less unique from Papua is burning stones. This tradition is usually done to cook food which is common in mountainous areas. Cooking with a stone is the same as cooking in the oven. Thsi is one of unique tribes and cultures.

The tradition of burning stones usually starts with burning medium to large chunks of stone. After smoldering, the stones are placed in a hole in the ground and covered with banana leaves. Then the food to be cooked is piled on top. This tradition is usually held during births, marriages, the inauguration of a building, death ceremonies, to other traditional events. Sugarcane is one of Papua’s native plants.

Papua is the largest island in Indonesia which has an area of ​​420,540 km or four times the area of ​​the island of Java. Forests are still widely found on this island, so the air temperature in Papua averages 19 to 28 degrees. As a tropical region, Papua has air humidity ranging from 80 percent to 89 percent. The varying geographical conditions have an impact on the uneven distribution of the population cause so many tribes and cultures.

There are information about tribes and cultures in West papua. Hope this article is useful.

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