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4 Local West Papua Beverage to Refresh Your Soul

Papua, which is known as the Raja Ampat tourist destination, highly upholds culture and customs. No wonder, for those who like cultural tourism, it is highly recommended to take a vacation to Papua. Not only its beautiful nature, West Papua Beverage also has a special drink that can refresh your throat in the midst of the hot weather in Papua.

4 Local West Papua Baverage to Refresh Your Soul

Papua Beverage You Have To Try

If you are traveling to Papua, here are 5 typical West Papuan drinks that you can try. Check out the following article to know 4 local West Papua Beverage!

1. West Papua Beverage Matoa Fruit Ice

Matoa is a typical Papuan fruit that, grows in lowland areas, up to an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level. Papua has two types of matoa fruit. Namely, coconut matoa and papeda matoa. The difference is in the texture of the flesh of the matoa fruit. Actually, matoa are also found in Maluku and Papua New Guinea. However, this fruit is better known as a typical Papuan fruit. Not only the fruit that is typical of Papua, here there is also Matoa Fruit Ice which is one of the typical drinks of the Earth of Cendrawasih. Es Matoa is made from matoa fruit mixed with from, black jelly/grass jelly, and selected Papuan spices. 

The taste of Matoa Fruit Ice is sweet, sour, and fresh. Matoa Fruit Ice is also decorated with lime and pandan leaves which makes this drink look fresher. Not only fresh, Matoa Fruit Ice is rich in vitamins A and C which can increase endurance. This drink, you must try when visiting the Land of Papua.

2. Sunset Papua

Sunset is identified with a beautiful orange sky, then turns day into night. Sunset time is much targeted by travelers when on vacation to a place. Moreover, Papua is known for its very beautiful sunset, and first among other regions in Indonesia. Uniquely again, in Papua you will find the Sunset Papua Beverage which is one of the typical drinks of the Land of Papua.

Sunset Papua is made from a combination of orange juice and carrot juice which produces an orange – orange color just like the sunset view. In one glass, orange juice is at the bottom, and carrot juice is at the top. It tastes very good and is refreshing. However, if you like sweets, then you need to add sugar in this drink. Sunset Papua can be easily found in restaurants in Papua. More complete, if you enjoy a drink Sunset Papua while enjoying the beautiful sunset from eastern Indonesia.

3. Swansrai Papua

Swansrai is a fermented coconut water drink served with coconut shells. This drink is usually served to guests who visit Papuan homes as a form of respect for guests. Swansrai has a strong, and slightly bitter taste. However, you need to be careful in enjoying this drink. Because it comes from fermented coconut water, Swansrai contains an alcohol content of about 20 to 30 percent. This drink is similar to palm wine or arak. 

For those of you who are not used to drinking alcoholic beverages, it is not recommended to drink Swansarai for fear of getting drunk and not being strong with the alcohol content.Even so, Swansarai Papua remains a typical Papuan drink that often makes travelers curious. So, it is not uncommon for them to try Swansarai upon arrival in Papua. This drink is also the glue of brotherhood between fellow Papuans which is then enjoyed when traditional events are held.

4. Ants Nest Tea

What do you think of when you hear Ant’s Nest? Maybe some people will imagine a place inhabited by many ants in it. However, in Papua Ants Nest is a typical plant that is usually processed into food and drink because it is rich in efficacy, and is believed to be able to cure serious diseases.

That’s Local West Papua Beverage to Refresh Your Soul. Don’t forget to try it if you visit Papua.