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5 Fun Things to Do in Raja Ampat Islands West Papua

West Papua district has many beautiful places to explore, including Raja Ampat. This archipelago is surrounded by white-sand beaches and luminous turquoise waters. Consisting of more than 1,500 islands, Raja Ampat offers a lot of interesting things to tourists. Being one of the most isolated groups of islands on earth, the archipelago is a perfect place for escaping from busy days. Explore Raja Ampat Islands West Papua and do these fun things there.

1. Snorkel at a Jetty

In Raja Ampat, you don’t need to have a great skill in scuba diving if you want to enjoy the underwater of the archipelago. Some of the sea life can even be seen easily from the docks. They are usually installed in less than 10 feet of the water. Aside from colorful fish, you can also see beautiful corals from the docks. In the evening, you can see waking sharks on the beaches. Interestingly, you don’t even need to get into the water to see these animals.

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2. Enjoy a Floating Sand Island

If you visit Raja Ampat, make sure to come to Pasir Timbul. It is a very exotic sand island that can be found when the tide is low. Being located in the middle of the ocean that comes to the surface just a few hours a day. In this way, being able to see the sand island while visiting Raja Ampat is such a privilege. 

When the tide is low and the Pasir Timbul appears, you can walk on the sand floating island. Feel your toes on the soft white sand with a gradient of crystal blue water everywhere you see. Not to mention the fresh air you can feel while walking on the sand. However, it can get really hot on the island. So, make sure that you double up your sunscreen when visiting it. 

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3. Hike Piaynemo

It is true that Raja Ampat Islands West Papua is filled with beautiful scenery. But, there is nothing more breathtaking than the one you can see from the Piaynemo Island. Once you get to the island, there is a set of stairs that will take you to a tropical forest there. 

There are more than 300 steps (318 precisely) that you have to climb through the humid heat. So, make sure that you prepare your stamina well. However, once you reach the highest point of the island, your hard work to get there will be paid off. 

Here, you can treat yourself with the jaw-dropping view of the iconic karst island seascape. Piaynemo itself is actually a tiny island surrounded by a dozen shades of turquoise waters.

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4. Feed the Fish at Sawinggrai

If you want to enjoy the brilliant turquoise water without really needing to get into it, going to Sawinggrai can be a great alternative to take. Here, you can choose to interact with colorful fish even without making yourself get wet. All you need to do is just sit on the dock and the villagers will concoct a mixture of flour for you. You can use it to feed the fish. 

Sawinggrai is not only popular with its amazing colorful fish. The village is also well known for its Cendrawasih bird population. It is an iconic bird that you can only find in Papua and New Guinea. So, make sure that you also spare time to watch the life of the iconic bird while visiting Sawinggrai.

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5. Enjoy the Sunset and Sunrise

When visiting Raja Ampat Islands West Papua, don’t forget to enjoy the sunrise and sunset views too. They are just amazing. Take a local long boat to go to the middle of the ocean and enjoy a spectacular sunset from there. Also, wake up earlier in the morning and don’t miss the opportunity to watch the sunrise too.