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Puncak Regent: DOB is Golden Opportunity for Papuan Generation

A New Autonomous Region (DOB) in Papua could bring more opportunities for the Papuan people. According to Puncak Regent: DOB is a golden opportunity for the Papuan generation. This is in response to the government plan for Papua Province as part of the regional development.

Furthermore, Willem Wandik supports the development of Papua into six provinces.  

Willem Wandik hopes the upcoming political year will bring bigger involvement from the younger generation, including in Papua. Next year will become a busy year for the entire nation.

Moreover, the formation of the New Autonomous Region will bring a bigger impact on the younger generation.  

Plans for DOB in Papua

DOB Planning in Papua

The government has officially formed six provinces for Papua. This formation is meant to help the development of Papua. It gives a bigger chance for the Papuan people to manage their land for their benefit. 

Willem Wandik welcomes this formation as a good step for the people of Papua. He expects the central government to add more DOB in Papua. With more DOBs in Papua, it means there will be new job opportunities for the people of Papua. Then, the young generation of Papua could stay and help develop the island. 

With the new provinces in Papua, there are large job opportunities quotas for Papuan people. He invites young Papuan from all over Indonesia to return to Papua. Previously, the young intellectuals of Papua have to move to a different island to get a job. Now, they have opportunities coming to them. 

New provinces also ensure the government could manage and develop all parts of Papua. There will be new teams and departments to oversee the development and improvements in each province. 

There are job opportunities in the cities/districts. It is mostly to fulfill the vacancies in government departments. The young generation of Papuan people has a bigger chance to get these jobs since the local government prioritizes them. So, it makes a golden opportunity for them. 

Puncak Regent Makes into DOB Formation Team 

Willem Wandik does not only serve as the Regent of Puncak Regency. It is known that he is also part of the DOB formation team. So, he knows the central government plan to form DOBs in Papua from the start.  

Before the expansion of Papua, the government had already assigned a team to run a study case for it. The team did not only complete a study but also compile the aspirations of the people of Papua regarding the plan.  

Mostly the people of Papua are interested to know the benefit of this expansion for them. Especially since this expansion also affects the special autonomy status of Papua. 

Willem Wandik explained the government’s decision to add four new autonomous provinces in Papua means that each province will require a new workforce. Then, the people of Papua can apply for these job openings.  

Besides new job openings in each new province, the central government will also distribute funds to each new province. Part of this fund is allocated to obtaining new workforces in each province. It only brings good things for the people of Papua. 

Willem Wandik added that the new provinces must form DPR and then MPR. If the young generation of Papua would actively take part in these posts, then they will be able to improve their land. It will not be an entirely new DPR and MPR, but it requires new addition to the existing team. 

It does not stop there. New provinces require new governors. New governors will need a new administrative team to support their tasks. There will be job openings for special staff and other government teams too.  

If the Puncak Regent: DOB is a golden opportunity for the Papuan generation, then it is the time for the young Papuans to build their land.