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Fararior: A Marriage Proposal Tradition from Manokwari

Basically, Indonesia has a lot of cultural heritage that comes from the habits of their ancestors. This also applies in the land of Papua. In fact, almost every tribe in Papua has customs related to marriage that differs from others. One of the most famous ones is probably the Fararior tradition.

Fararior is a marriage proposal of the Doreri Tribe that lives in Manokwari, West Papua. This tradition is very unique because the process of the time span can be very long. In fact, the process can start when the groom is still in the womb. So, this tradition is indeed very sacred to the people of Doreri.

So, here is the process of Fararior tradition that you need to know!

The Discussion Stage

The first stage that they need to do to carry out this marriage proposal tradition is the discussion stage. It is the big family of the groom-to-be who did it. For example, their parents, uncles, aunts, and grandfathers. At this stage, they will discuss who is the most suitable bride-to-be.

There are many considerations in the marriage proposal traditions of the Doreri Tribe. Starting from the background of life and the social status of the family of the woman that is going to be proposed. Aside from that, there are also political and economic considerations before the proposal.

They would weigh the pros and cons of the marriage really happening from the economic point of view. Also, they will see how marriage will increase or decrease their family power. Then, the social stratum also becomes an important factor that will affect whether the marriage continues or not.

Because, according to the custom of the Doreri, people from different social strata cannot get married. For example, people who have the Mambri or Manawir Beba stratum cannot marry people that come from the ordinary stratum. 

Normally, the discussion stage of Fararior tradition lasts for a long time. There was an arranged marriage when their son was still in the womb. Then, there is also an arranged marriage with the help of other relatives such as uncles and aunts. Lastly, it is because they are falling in love. 

The Marriage Proposal Stage

The Marriage Proposal Stage

After the discussion process is complete, the family of the groom will choose some envoys to make a marriage proposal. Usually, their envoys are women who are still relatives whether it is their older aunts, younger aunts, or even their grandmothers. 

They are the ones who will come to the house of the woman that they are going to propose to for their son. Usually, they will come at night. This is to prevent other villagers from knowing that the Fararior tradition is happening. The reason is to avoid feeling embarrassed if their proposal is rejected.

They will convey their wedding proposal to the family of the woman in a whisper. Locals also call it panggir kna. Usually, this marriage proposal process will take place for three days.

The Decision Stage

After the marriage proposal process is complete, the family of the woman can decide whether they will accept it or not. If they accept it, they will turn off the house lights and douse the envoys with smelly water. For example by using water is used for washing fish, stove ashes, areca nuts, etc.

The envoys will not feel angry about that either. On the other hand, they will feel happy because it means that the family of the woman accepts their marriage proposal. Then, they will go home feeling happy to tell the family members that the wedding is about to take place.So, that is how the process of the Fararior tradition goes. Obviously, this is one of the unique marriage proposal traditions that exist in the Indonesian region. To be precise, in Manokwari, West Papua.