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Indonesia West Papua News: Jokowi’s Accelerated Development In Papua

Papua has become part of Indonesia since the 1960s. Exactly after the Act of Free Choice with the Dutch. Since then, Indonesia has ruled these regions for decades. Indonesia West Papua news has become more and more severe. 

Indonesia West Papua News: Jokowi's Accelerated Development Is Preserving Peace and Stability

Indonesia West Papua news

Many claimed that Indonesian government and military forces have done some violence of human rights to the Indigenous Papuan people. This issue has been brought up internationally. Regarding this problem, The Indonesian government under the leadership of Joko Widodo, has proclaimed their plan to this Papuan region. The plans supposedly become the beacon of hope and stability in Papua. 

Indonesia West Papua News on Jokowi Plan

In April 2021 Jakarta, the Special Staff to the Indonesian President, namely Billy Mambrasar, introduced the 5 Main Programs for the Acceleration of Development in Papua Province and West Papua Province. These plans have been introduced in a webinar called Untukmu Indonesiaku, Developing Indonesia in a Sustainable Manner from the East. 

In this webinar, the special staff also claimed that the OAP of the Papuan youth organization will make the plan true. As following the Presidential Instruction Number 9 the year of 2020. 

In the press release, Billy explains that the president has a commitment to advancing the state of Papua and its people as he was years ago. In this commitment, he also stated that it is in line with the Presidential Instruction Number 9 on the matter of Acceleration of Development in Papua region and West Papua. Hence, Papua will be the main goal of this program. Billy also said that the program will be called BAPER, or Bring Change. T

he program is said to help resolve any matter regarding the provinces in Papua. Most importantly in terms of development of the local people and their welfare. Based on the Indonesia West Papua news, this program consists of 5 different main goals.

The First Program

The first program is to create entrepreneurs from young Papuan generations using the Papua Youth Creative Hub and also the training system and management of PMI or Paoua Muda Inspirasi. The development of the young generation will be monitored directly by Joko Widodo himself. Its goal was to produce hundred young Papuan entrepreneurs in startups, creative industry and many more. 

The Second Program

The second one is to create 100.000 farmers from the millennial generation to the provinces in this island. The Ministry of Agriculture as the initiator has a goal to produce thousands of farmers to some provinces in Indonesia. The program includes training, networking and many more. 

The Third Program

The third is to launch MTP or Papuan Talent Management. It is a website that contains the best children from Papua. They will be provided training so they can work in an important sector from private companies or from the government. The Ministry of Home Affairs will be the supervisor of this program. 

The Fourth Program

This program is to establish learning centers that are non-formal so people can acquire some skills that will be useful in life. This program is supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. 

The Fifth Program

The last one is to launch an application and website, therefore it can receive suggestions for the Papua people. The website is managed by the Papua Desk of the Ministry of National Development Planning and also coordinated with the Presidential Staff Office of the Republic of Indonesia.

Wrapping Up Indonesia West Papua news

The conflict between Indonesia and Papua has been going on for about fifty years. Therefore, it makes many Indonesia West Papua news in local media and especially International media become more severe. And many have urged the government to do something. Hence, with the plan made by the Indonesian President Joko Widodo, people try to place their hope again and hope for stability.