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Indonesia National Library: Jayapura Journalists Write Local Books

West Papua has one of the most hidden cultural richness in Indonesia. Only a few of Indonesian people outside of the island recognize the richness of this region. Of course, having Papuan people share stories and cultural wisdom from their land will give a different point of view to understand them. Hence, Indonesia National Library Head encourages Jayapura journalists write local books. 

The Head of the National Library (Perpusnas) noted the small number of books the Papuan people wrote. With the lack of books to fill libraries in Papua, he encourages Papuan people to write and publish books independently. After all, there must be stories that need to be written about Papua. Sharing it in books is only a way to allow more people to get to know about Papua. 

Indonesia National Library Head Wants Local Books  

Journalists Write Local Books Urgently Needed

Muhammad Syarif Bando, the Head of the National Library, has been struggling to fulfill the need for new library books in Papua. This is not the only problem for local libraries in Papua. Muhammad Syarif also notes there is only a number of books covering the culture and history of the Papua people. 

For decades Papua never became a priority in development. The government did not properly focus on developing its infrastructure, healthcare, and education. However, things have changed.  

Education, as one of the most important parts of human development, becomes the main attention of the government. Books, as one of the sources of education, plays an important role in this. The National Library has contacted West Papua and built more local libraries to provide Papua people with books and educational entertainment. 

However, Muhammad Syarif finds it is still far from his expectation. The local libraries still find it hard to get the latest book publications. While distributing books from Java Island takes time. He thinks one of the solutions for this book shortage is to involve Papuan writers.  

Local writers are important in encouraging the formation of a literary community in the region. Muhammad Syarif added local writers have a better understanding of the local people’s culture and history. They have the same point of view, just like any other Papuan people. Hence, they could voice out what is in the mind of the Papuan people. 

The new library in Jayapura City should mark a new era for local Papuan writers. And the regional government of Jayapura City should take this opportunity to publish books about its cultural and historical heritage.   

Jayapura Journalists to Write Books 

Benefits of Jayapura Journalists Write Local Books

Furthermore, Muhammad Syarif spoke up about his opinion that Jayapura City has several local journalists with good writing skills. Combining their writing skills with their knowledge of Papua culture will be a good start for local book publishing. 

However, it also requires full support from the local government. These journalists could not work by themselves to publish new books. 

Muhammad Syarif mentioned that other cities and regions in Indonesia have done the same thing. The local journalists work with the local government. And the results are a number of books on local history, culture, tourism, and other interesting topic related to the region. 

The journalists could start with local folk stories or the history of their people. Sharing more insights from Papuan people to other people outside of the island. 

With the newly built library in Jayapura City, Muhammad Syarif hopes the library could encourage more Papuan writers to publish their books. It does not matter if these writers use their mother language. Muhammad Syarif hopes to find more books written in local languages in Jayapura. 

It is about time that Indonesia National Library Head encourages Jayapura journalists write local books. Local writers bring a new perspective that will enrich the literary community of Indonesia.