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Local Wisdom of Batik in West Papua

There is local wisdom of batik in West Papua in every batik pattern made in West Papua. Batik patterns are not only made for beauty needs but also to describe the culture and philosophy of the people.

Batik has become a very distinctive textile craft in Indonesia. Almost every region in Indonesia has its patterns and type of batik cloth. Including, one of them in West Papua. This area has batik patterns that are full of philosophy.

Local Wisdom of Batik in West Papua Based on Patterns

Batik in West Papua has various types and patterns that are beautiful. Not just beautiful and good. These West Papuan batik patterns are inspired by the culture of the West Papuan people themselves.

This makes every batik pattern in West Papua unique. Each pattern also contains local wisdom of batik in West Papua that can be studied and interpreted. The following are various patterns from West Papua Batik, along with their philosophy and meaning.

1. Batik Patterns  Komoro

As the name suggests, this batik pattern comes from the culture of the Komoros, one of the indigenous tribes who inhabit the island of Papua. With an asymmetrical style, this pattern shows the life of the Komoro and the culture of this tribe.

Batik patterns  Komoro mostly use sculpture objects in them that show various expressions. The statues in the picture show the Komoropeople living their lives.

In its expressions and patterns, these batik patterns show the creativity, courage, and spirit of life of the Komoros. Especially in living their lives who respect the culture.

2. Tifa Honai Tifa Batik Patterns 

Tifa is a typical Papuan percussion instrument that is widely used in rituals and art events in Papua, especially West Papua. Meanwhile, Honai itself is a traditional house typical of the Papuan people.

These two West Papuan cultural icons combine as Tifa Honai batik patterns which are very popular in West Papua and internationally. The meaning of these batik patterns itself is happiness and joy of the heart.

Honai is a traditional Papuan house that does have the meaning of unity and happiness. Meanwhile, Tifa as a musical instrument is considered an object that can summon feelings of happiness through music.

3. Prada Batik Patterns

Prada batik patterns are very distinctive and elegant, different from most other asymmetrical West Papuan batik patterns. You must know, Prada batik patterns tend to be more symmetrical with a fixed and neat pattern.

This one batik pattern is also very synonymous with dark colors. Combined with elegant colors such as silver and gold. This is still related to the meaning of the patterns.

The Prada patterns on West Papuan Batik symbolize the wealth of the island of Papua. Especially the wealth of mining products such as gold and silver in the mountains of Papua Island.

4. The Cendrawasih Bird Patterns 

Cendrawasih is a beautiful bird typical of Papua, especially in the West Papua area. This beautiful animal has long been an icon of the island of Papua, especially West Papua. The bird, nicknamed the Bird of Heaven, is also the inspiration for one of West Papua’s batik patterns.

As a batik pattern, the Cendrawasih symbolizes the beauty, elegance, and richness of the nature of the island of Papua. These batik patterns usually use bright colors with dark base cloth.

That way, the bright colors will stand out more. Describing how rich nature is on the island of Papua.

That is the local wisdom of batik in West Papua many other batik patterns can be learned. If you visit West Papua, don’t miss the opportunity to learn more.  Keep updating information about West Papua only in West Papua Story.