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300 Papua State Civil Servants Apply to Transfer to New Autonomous Regions

DPR RI has approved new draft laws about New Autonomous Regions (DOB) in Papua. The purpose of dividing Papua into three new provinces is to create equitable development in all regions. These new provinces are South Papua, Central Papua, and Papua Pegunungan. Considering this plan, more than 300 Papua state civil servants (PNS) propose to move to the new regions.

Their decision to shift to the new autonomous regions is to respond to the offering letter from Papua Regional Civil Service Agency or BKD. BKD offers them to transfer to the new provinces. West Papua Government stated that most state civil servants want to shift to Central Papua.

The Regulation of Relocation

Papua State Civil Servants

In fact, there is no coercion on Papua state civil servants to transfer to the DOB. But, career opportunity in these new provinces is open. This transfer process will be beneficial to the new regions.

All civil servants who want to develop their careers in the new regions have to follow the regulation. First, they need to submit a letter conveying that they wish to transfer to new provinces. Besides, they also need to complete some documents. This way, Regional Civil Service Agency can process their application.

This transfer process will change their employment status. Regional Civil Service Agency stated that this shifting process is open to all professions. It is not only for civil servants who work in the government office but also for teachers and other staff.

Thousands of Civil Servants Will be Shifted to New Provinces

Papua State Civil Servants

The Ministry of Home Affairs not only opens the chance for the Papua civil servants to shift to New Autonomous Regions. But the government will also distribute more than 3000 ASN or Civil Service Apparatus to South Papua, Central Papua, as well as Papua Pegunungan.

These Papua State Civil Service Apparatuses consist of staff, echelon II, echelon III, and echelon IV. Then, the government will also form Regional Apparatus Organization to provide basic services to the residents of new provinces.

Kemendagri, or the Ministry of Home Affairs, regulates this transfer process directly. Besides, the Papua government only coordinates this process. Each new province needs more than one thousand civil servants. So, some staff may be additions to fill all positions required in the New Autonomous Regions.

Implementation Process Papua State Civil Servants

Papua State Civil Servants

The civil servant distribution process is not easy. It is because a new region needs thousands of civil service apparatuses to serve citizens and run the bureaucratic process. This way, the Ministry of Home Affairs allocates 1000 ASN for each region.

This allocation includes ASN staff, Echelon II–IV, the Head of OPD, and the regional secretary. The government will distribute civil service apparatus from the parent province to the new regions. Furthermore, the government also creates a technical plan to prepare for this distribution.

All civil service apparatuses that will move to the new province must be trained. The purpose of this training is to improve the competency of ASN. So they will be ready to work in the new place. The government will implement this training in 2023.

The government states that relocation will provide better career advancement for Papua state civil servants. That is why more than 300 ASN apply for this transfer process. However, Papua provincial government has to be selective in distributing ASN. Therefore, this transfer process can positively impact the residents in the new provinces.

That’s all the West Papua latest news. The government still opens the relocation opportunity for ASN who want to expand their career in the new autonomous regions. 

So, all Papua State Civil Servants must apply for this transfer as soon as possible. Then, they have to follow the rules and complete their documents. When the government approves their applications, they must participate in training to enhance their competency.