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Peace Literacy Institute Indonesia Invites Papuan Youth to Strengthen Peace

Right during the celebration of Easter Day 2023, PLII (Peace Literacy Institute Indonesia) gathered Papuan children at Yame Baptist Church, Hewam, Jayapura. This is because Peace Literacy Institute Indonesia invites Papuan youth to strengthen peace.

Agus Khudlori as PLL Program Deputy said in his press release on ANTARA, that the activity was a form of effort to sharpen peace literacy among Papuan youth.

The technical activity is that young people are gathered at the Yame Baptist Church and then invited to watch a movie. The movie chosen is, of course, a movie that motivates peace for its viewers.

The movie was “Gandhi”. PLII chose the movie Gandhi because the main character named, Mahatma Gandhi, became a phenomenal symbol of peace. That’s what Agus Khudlori said.

In the movie, Mahatma Gandhi is a character who fights for justice, freedom, and equality without violence and bloodshed. Mahatma Gandhi’s persistence in fighting for justice made him not care about the intimidation he received, even violence.

In this regard, Agus Khudlori said, “Thus, Mahatma Gandhi taught us that injustice and oppression can be fought peacefully and without violence. If violence is fought with violence, it will only result in further violence”.

Movies are an Effective Way to Motivate

The importance of the Indonesian Peace Literacy Institute

When watching a movie with deep appreciation, many of us unconsciously obsess over the story in the movie. So sometimes, we relate to our own life stories.

Maybe when we encounter the same events or problems as the story in the movie, we will act like what happened in the movie. If so, then you have become obsessed with the movie you are watching.

So great is the effect of movies on a person’s psyche and thinking PLII has taken the right step by providing a movie that motivates peace. It is hoped that Gandhi’s movie can inspire Papuan youth to continue to create peace where un is.

Interestingly, the main character named, Mahatma Gandhi not only fought for peace and justice in his home country but also for peace and justice in the world.

Committee chairman and PLII Deputy Director Mation Gurik said, “Gandhi inspired us all to realize peace for the universe.”

Importance of Peace

The reason for the existence of the Indonesian Peace Literacy Institute

Peace is what everyone wants in this world, no human being wants chaos, commotion, and quarrels. However, few people realize the importance of peace. So many people ignore peace in favor of their personal or group ambitions.

Yet, if we look closely, there are many reasons why we should prioritize peace more than anything else. At least by prioritizing peace, we automatically maintain the following important things:

1. Prosperity

The welfare of life is the key to happiness, which will not be created as long as peace has not been established, be it peace between nations, between tribes, or between individuals.

Let’s take a small example if we have an unpeaceful relationship between individuals, it could be that the person with whom we are unpeaceful is trying everything to bring us down. Usually, in economic terms, destroying our jobs, for example.

2. Peace of Mind

Where peace does not materialize, that is where the peace of life is only a dream. We take an example in countries that are at war, all their inhabitants are always anxious and uneasy.

3. The Future

If we want to protect our future, then we should maintain peace. When we fight between individuals and groups, we are essentially turning off the bright lights illuminating our future.

When Peace Literacy Institute Indonesia invites Papuan youth to strengthen peace in the ways we have mentioned above, they are preparing a bright future for young Papuans.