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All About Tree Kangaroos with Golden Coat (Kangguru Pohon Mantel Emas)

Kangaroo is a wild animal famous for being an indigenous Australian animal. In fact, this mammal has become the icon of the country. However, there are other kangaroos which existence might surprise you. Known as “kangguru pohon mantel emas” in Indonesia, these tree kangaroos with golden coat can be found in Papua and West Papua.

Tree Kangaroos with Golden Coat
Sumber : Satwa Foresteract

The Mascot for PON (Pekan Olahraga Nasional – National Sports Week) 2021 in Papua

For starters, the golden coated tree kangaroo was decided to be the mascot for PON 2021 – along with the bird of paradise. This sports event was held in Papua. These two indigenous animals in Papua are protected because they are in danger of becoming extinct. The population for this mammal is really sad: no less than 15 kangaroos.

Not many people know that these marsupials live in Papua. Marsupials are mammals with pouches. The first people who spotted these Papuan kangaroos were the crew of “The Trinton”, a Dutch sailing ship. It was sailing on the northern coast of West Papua to Papua New Guinea in 1826. Four specimens of these tree kangaroos were taken and then brought back to Europe to be studied.

A taxologist named Salomon Miller later named this species Dendrolagus. He also named Thylogale for the Papuan land kangaroos. Both kangaroos belong to the family of Macropodidae. These kangaroos are different from the Australian kangaroos and wallabies.

After that, several European researchers came to find out more about the kangaroos in the region. Tim Flannery and Roger Martin, researchers who observed these lovely creatures too, documented their development. They were also very concerned with the possibility of these kangaroos’ extinction in the future. 

Tim Flannery then wrote a book called “A Curious Natural History”. It was published in 1996. Roger Martin wrote a book called “Tree Kangaroos of Australia and New Guinea” published in 2005.

The Differences Between Papuan Kangaroos with The More Famous, Australian Kangaroos

It is no surprise that many people today are still unaware of these indigenous animals in Papua. Papuan kangaroos are much smaller in size. Australian kangaroos, as we have all seen more often, are bigger and much stronger. In detail, here are the differences:

  • In weight:

An Australian kangaroo can weigh about 50 to 80 kilograms. A Papuan tree or land kangaroo can weigh only about six to 20 kilograms. There are even smaller ones, which only weigh three kilograms. It means their muscle mass is only a third of the muscle mass most Australian kangaroos have.

  • How far they can jump:

If a Papuan kangaroo can jump as far as 22 cm, the Australian one can do three times farther. It is true that in nature, sometimes size does matter.

About The Types of Papuan Kangaroos:

Now, let’s get to more details about these indigenous animals in Papua. As the name suggests, land kangaroos walk on the ground like their Australian counterparts. Tree kangaroos climb and live on the tree branches as koalas do. They feed on forest leaves and seeds.

This is why the tree kangaroos with golden coat have slightly curved legs, which help them to stay hanging on the trees. Their soles are rough like pads.

The golden-coated kangaroos have short and smooth fur, light brown with a slight yellow on their necks, cheeks, and legs. Their underside is pale, with a pair of golden stripes. From a distance, they look like little bears.

How Endangered Are These Lovely Species In Papua?

First of all, here is the bad news:

The tree kangaroos with golden coat in Papua have decreased by 30% for the past three decades.

The first finding of these creatures happened in 1990, when Pavel German discovered them in the remote area of Foja Mountains, Papua. They were also discovered in the Toricelli Mountains, Papua New Guinea, at an altitude of 680 to 1700 meters high above sea level. They were about 41 to 77 cm long. They weighed around seven to 15 kilograms.

The tree kangaroos with golden coat are close to becoming extinct. They have been registered in the red list of the International UICN (Union for Conservation of Nature). The kangaroo researchers assess that the kangaroo habitat in Papua is more complex. Some can be found in coastal areas, while others are found in lowland forests and up to the peak of Jayawijaya Mountain.

In 2018, researchers and photographers found several kangaroo scent marks and claw marks. The claw marks were permanent at the base of the tree, signs that they had climbed it. The location was from 1700 to 2000 m in the steep mountain forest.

These indigenous animals in Papua are threatened by two things: problems in their habitations and other natural predators. They have to stay alive by avoiding python snakes, owls, and eagles.

Let’s just hope that many of us are working together to save them. The tree kangaroos with golden coat are part of the uniqueness in Papua and West Papua.