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Want to Try These Ten Unusual Foods? Visit Indonesian Papua by Yourself

visit indonesian papua
visit indonesian papua

Certain food cuisines you meet when visit Indonesian Papua may improve your taste buds. It is not just unique, because it is incredibly unusual compared to the regular meals we have ever tasted before. It may sound overdramatic, but I can assure you it is not.  

Having experienced the food will make you forget about the foods you find back at home. It is unique but weirdly tasty. To shorten your search for foods from this part of the world, you can read this list below. 

Indonesian Papua’s Food to Try

This list of 10 Papuan foods will absolutely blow your mind. It is another experience for sure, but still gives a nice taste in your mouth. Here is the list. 

1. Sago-stuffed Pancakes

This incredibly tasty food is also called sago martabak. Like its name, it is made from sago that has been ground softly. Then it is stuffed with milk, chocolate, or other fillings. The sweet taste will give you energy for the day.

2. Papeda

Not only pancakes, Papeda is also made of Sago, as it is the main food in this region. It is different from rice, like in other regions, but it is still fulfilling. The sago is made into a sticky and transparent consistency. Then it will taste even more delicious after being added with other side dishes. 

3. Sago Grub Satay

The other Indonesian Papua food that you need to try is Sago Grub Satay, or sago grub skewers. It is made from sago grub. The sago grub can be found on the sago trees. Satay is made with grilled sago grub and eaten as a snack for the people. 

4. Bagea Cake

Need souvenirs from Papua? Bagea cakes are the right choice. It is made from walnuts and sago with a little bit of clove and cinnamon for the taste. It is wrapped with a leaf. Bagea cake is quite hard on the teeth, so you might need to struggle a little bit before enjoying this particular cake. 

5. Wrapped Fish 

Wrapped fish is a dish that you need to taste. It is wrapped in a taro leaf. The fish has been seasoned with herbs and spices from Papua. The fish will then be grilled over a small fire. After that, many people will enjoy the food together. 

6. Aunu Senebre

Papua also has Aunu senebre as a cuisine with unique delicacy. It is made from anchovies that have been fired and then mixed with taro leaves. People eat it with papeda. This unusual dish is sour, but still delicious enough to make you want more. 

7. Lontar Cake

The Lontar cake is quite big. But, it is quite sweet and tasty. It has some similarities with other dishes from Bali called milk pie. This cake is usually served on special occasions only. But now you can also enjoy it everywhere and anywhere in Papua. 

8. Manokwari Grilled Fish

This special cuisine is from Manokwari. It is also called Ikan Bakar Manokwari. The fish is grilled with chili and other spices. It uses tuna fish that is famous for being very delicious. Eat it with papeda to experience the real Papuan cuisine. 

9. Saksak

This dish has a look that resembles sago dumplings called “Saksak.” It has a sticky and transparent appearance. Saksak is made from tapioca flour, sugar, and banana. The mix is then wrapped in a banana leaf and steamed for an hour. It tastes quite sweet and satisfying. 

10. Mumu

Meat with a combination of Indonesian spices, salt and coconut milk called “Mumu”, this is a must try. The food is then wrapped in a banana leaf and grilled for several minutes until it is done. You can add papeda to give you energy for the day. This dish is a complete kind of dish that can only be enjoyed in Papua. 


These 10 incredibly unique foods can only be enjoyed during your visit Indonesian Papua. You might find one that gives quite a similar taste or vibe, but it is definitely different. Therefore, you need to visit this part of the world yourself to taste the food of your life. It will give you an experience and also a memory to remember. Which one do you want to taste the most?