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West Papua Birding

Papua Island is also known as ‘Bird Island’. It is because the island’s shape is like a bird. West Papua is the western of the island. That’s why they call it ‘The Bird’s Head’. Like its name. They also have many kinds of birds.

In this article, we will invite you to learn about West Papua Birding. We can call it the West Papua birding tour.

West Papua Birding Adventure

Now, many people create a birding tours in West Papua. Or we can call it the West Papua birding adventure. It’s because of West Papua endemic birds.

Mostly, they divide it into 4 places. Arfak Mountain, Waitanta (Waigeo & Batanta), Volgekop, and Geelvink Island.

Endemic Birding Species in West Papua

Many people interest in West Papua birding. They also have their own club. It calls Papua Bird Club. It is because they have many unique birds.

It’s hard to find these birds in another place. Over 700 species of birds find in West Papua. But some of them are endangered.

You already know some of them. Like Cendrawasih, Kakaktua Jambul Kuning, Kakaktua Raja, etc. Some place in West Papua has endemic birds. Like Waigeo birds, Geelvink endemic, Biak birds, etc. 

Here we will tell you about the endemic birds in West Papua. 

1. Cendrawasih (Bird of Paradise)

As we know, this bird is very famous. West Papua Bird of Paradise is the unique bird from Papua Island. Actually, eastern Australia also has these birds. But most of them are in Papua Islands. They live in the rain forest.

They have 17 genera and 44 species. Wilson’s Bird of Paradise, Red Bird of Paradise, King Bird of Paradise, etc. You can find it almost in West Papua city. Arfak Mountain, Geelvik island, Vogelkop lowland, and Waitanta.

2. Kakaktua (Cockatoo)

In West Papua, we can find 2 kinds of Kakaktua. Kakatua Raja or Palm Cockatoo. Another type is Kakaktua Jambul Kuning. Also known as Yellow Crested Cockatoo. 

These birds are unique. They have a unique sound. Some of them can make a sound like a human. In other words, it feels like they spell the words. That’s why many people like it. 

Kakaktua raja also known as Black Kakaktua. It is because it has a black feather. It is almost all their feather.

Kakaktua Jambul Kuning has white feather. It has a yellow crested on its head. In West Papua, you can find it in Manokwari.

3. Kasuari (Cassowary)

Do you ever see West Papua’s logo? You will find this bird there. Yup! The head of Cassowary. West Papua is the western province of ‘The Bird Island’.

It is the meaning of that logo. Besides that, Cassowary becomes the endemic bird from there.

Do you ever know a bird that can’t fly? They have wings, but they can’t fly. That’s the unique fact of Cassowary. In Indonesia, they call it ‘Kasuari’. In West Papua, you can find it in the Vogelkop lowland. 

4. West Papua Pigeon and Dove

We can find a pigeon on almost side of the world. But West Papua has endemic pigeons. They have around 44 species in West Papua. Papuan Mountain Pigeon, Geelvink Fruit Dove, Geelvink Imperial Dove, etc.

They have a unique color. Papuan Mountain has red feathers around its eyes. It’s like glasses. You can find Sultan’s Cuckoo-Dove. It has brown feathers. From dark brown until light brown. Geelvink Island also has many kinds of the dove. 

5. Megapodes

Do you ever hear this bird? Megapodes are also unique birds from Papua Island.

It is also known as ‘The Incubator Bird’. This bird looks like a chicken. But it is not a chicken. In West Papua, you can find it in Raja Ampat or Waitanta. 

West Papua has many species of birds. It is very unique. They have more than 700 species. But some of them are endangered.

This is our obligation. We must keep it from being endangered. Don’t hunt or sell it.