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West Papua & Its Strategic Movement for Better Biodiversity

West Papua has prepared several strategies and movements to make biodiversity better. This is not only a short-term issue, but it is very important for the life of the local community going forward. Therefore, the community is also involved.

Talking about nature is indeed endless, especially in areas that were previously very conservative, but suddenly an unreasonable amount of development has entered. As is happening in the western province of Papua with all the wealth in it.

Geographically, the location of this province is very strategic for conservation programs to be implemented. It is an area with a lot of biodiversities, so there should be a way to keep the number safe. But in reality, human activities have damaged the environment.

Months after months, the data always shows something negative. The construction and felling of trees have reduced the amount of biodiversity. Several movements have been carried out and are expected to make the environment there better.

West Papua and the Environment Overview

Every year, there are new problems that arise in Eastern Indonesia and one that is still not resolved is the environmental problem. There is no real solution related to the environment besides problems such as mining, logging, and palm oil plantations.

This environmental problem becomes a problem because activities that are detrimental to forest safety are increasingly appearing and we can no longer deny that it will disrupt human life. With the destruction of the environment and biodiversity, climate change is occurring.

The scale of deforestation is increasingly carrying a more solid priority. The labor movement and the principles in it do not appear to be strategic in tackling climate change generated by the prosecution problem with several movements that assist.

What Has This Movement given to West Papua and Its Biodiversity?

If you visit this province, the activists will at least save the environment. From this activist, he will implement several ideas that will save human life and the environment he currently lives in.

Solution-driven that encompass specific problems that demand solutions. So, the solution-driven activity carried out by these activists aims to present solutions to the problems currently occurring in the forests and biodiversity of West Papua.

The global community also focuses on bringing about change. The change referred to here is like changing the use of energy that is harmful to the environment to another. For example, reducing the use of fuel oil during combustion.

The revolution is also always instigated by activists. Revolution is different from Change because revolution is something that is directed and faster. The environmental revolution carried out by West Papua more often leads to saving marine life.

What do They do for West Papua?

And now comes the discussion about what they do. Not only about the idea, but this discussion will be more directed to the practice they have been doing so far. And some of them also directly involve contributions from local communities.

Reflecting on the current problem, the impact that must be given is also no less large. Something positive that they have done also has a positive impact as well. So, what have they done or are still doing?

  1. Limiting Water Usage

West Papua has problems with water hygiene. Millions of people living here need clean water, but unfortunately, access to it is still very difficult. So the movement leads to more efficient use of water.

  • Use Less Plastic

Plastics are also increasingly restricted in their use. In general, plastic waste is a major problem in the sea, including in this province. Today, only a few sectors are still serving the use of plastic and there are far fewer.

  • Use Less Packaging

If previously you always asked for a double package or the like, then that is a threat that has been limited by West Papua. Boxes and multiple items that are harmful to the environment have been reduced so they don’t become wasteful.

  • Recycle

Every time you throw out the garbage, it is added pollution because it will continue to be produced again. But now the movement that is being done is with the cycle item. For example, a soda can will be recycled into a similar product again.

  • Reuse

However, if the item cannot be recycled, it will be reused again. An item will be used for another function. For example, in West Papua, there is an excess of plastic bottles, so the rest of the bottles will be used as flower pots or something.

  • Reduce Food Waste

Many Papuans live below the poverty line. Even in the world, as many as 1 billion people are starving. And Papua has started to carry out a movement by reducing food waste, including in shopping malls or restaurants.

  • Walk More

One of the movements made thanks to this movement is to use fewer motorized vehicles. You have to walk more often without pollution to make better biodiversity. Because pollution harms them.

If you are familiar with the Papuan environment, then you must love it if anything happens there. One of them is the destruction of biodiversity. This is a big threat to the West Papuan environment, but thankfully there is a movement.