You are currently viewing West Papua’s Treasure: Heaven on Earth in the East Side of Indonesia

West Papua’s Treasure: Heaven on Earth in the East Side of Indonesia

You may have been familiar with Raja Ampat and other popular destinations around West Papua. But more than anything, this land has tons of interesting aspects to explore.

For instance, there are over 2,000 coral reefs lying under Raja Ampat – those species are only available in West Papua. Of course, they are not the only thing you can find in West Papua.

This is why you need to read this article and find out more about West Papua’s biodiversity. Most of them even strengthen the image of how rich Indonesia’s biodiversity is.

#1 Matoa×1000/x/photo/2020/09/16/2755251630.jpg

Have you heard about Matoa before? Matoa is a fruity plant only available in West Papua. The tree is quite tall and huge, about 18 meters of height and 100 cm of width.

The fruits will start to grow about 4 months after the first flower blooms. Matoa can grow really well in West Papua for various reasons. One of them is the dry soil with thick layers beneath.

Other than that, West Papua has great rainforests which are suitable for this plant to grow. In Papua itself, there are two types of Matoa called Matoa Kelapa and Matoa Papeda.

#2 Black Orchid×720.jpg

For orchid enthusiasts, having all rare species would hit differently. Black Orchid from Papua is another thing you have to check out, after all. As its name suggests, the flowers are black while the pistil is conversely bright. 

#3 Calophyllum

Calophyllum or locally called Bintangur is a native plant of West Papua. The plant produces fruits, but they are not edible. Yet, locals will process the fruits for fuel.

Besides the fruits, Bintangur’s tree is rigid yet lightweight. This is why people love to take advantage of this plant for their personal needs. Locals should’ve considered a commercial way for this plant, after all.

#4 Cassowary

The Cassowary is Papua’s native. As part of the ave family, this bird has a huge body and cannot fly. However, Cassowary is not a chicken.

There are three types of Cassowaries in Papua categorised through their wattles. One has a single wattle, and the other has a double-wattle, while the rest is smaller than the previous two.

Even though Cassowaries have a gorgeous look and unique feathers, they are pretty aggressive and mean compared to other siblings. After all, you should take a picture with this creature if you visit West Papua.

#5 Reimani Turtle

Reimani is a type of turtle that has a very distinct look. Its neck is longer than turtles in general.

Reimani Turtle is a fresh-water creature and will spend most of its time in the water. Even though the number of this creature in the wild remains unknown, experts agreed that the Reimani Turtle is endangered.

Nowadays, some people try to breed this little guy and take them as a pet. By that, kids and future generations may still have a chance to witness this wild creature.

Reimani Turtle might be the last name on the list. However, this list is only the surface of how diverse the natural beauty of West Papua is. And of course, you have to visit this land on your own to witness this remarkableness.


West Papua will never fail to spoil the visitors with the beauty of nature. The weather, fresh air, and stunning scenery are just a few things this land offers.

If you happen to visit West Papua, be sure to check out the creatures mentioned above. Other than the coral reefs spread beneath the beaches surrounding the island, checking out something on West Papua’s land will also give you a refreshing experience.