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Amazing Things in West Papua That You Need To Know

There are many interesting and unique things that are unique to residents at the eastern end of Indonesia. So that they become an attraction that other regions do not have. It is including Noken Papua, traditions, folk songs, and Papuan regional languages. Here will explained about amazing things in West Papua.

Amazing Things in West Papua That You Need To Know

Eternal Snow at Jayawijaya Peak

The Jayawijaya Mountains are the highest mountain range in Indonesia that stretches across the province of Papua. With the highest peak, Puncak Jaya as high as 4,884 meters above sea level. At this glorious peak there is also Eternal Snow, the amount of which is now dwindling due to global warming.

 Besides Puncak Jaya, the Jayawijaya Mountains also have other lower peaks. It is namely Mandala Peak as high as 4,760 masl, Trikora Peak as high as 4,730 masl, Idenberg Peak as high as 4,673 masl, Yamin Peak as high as 4,535 masl and East Cartenzs Peak as high as 4,400 masl. This is one of amazing things in West Papua.

Triton Bay

Triton Bay is a bay located in Kaimana Regency, West Papua Province, Indonesia. This bay is known for its underwater beauty .It is also known as a paradise for divers and Papuan Cultural Heritage.

Triton Bay  as a amazing things in West Papua has a series of small islands with beautiful white sand beaches. Also coral reefs, clear water and very charming beach and underwater views. Many tourists who have visited Triton Bay have dubbed this bay as “The Fish Empire” or “Twilight City” or “The Lost Paradise” . It is because this hidden place has amazing underwater views. Also a very charming sunset painting at dusk in the sky of Triton Bay.

Marine biologists have also identified 937 species of marine fish, including newly discovered species. They have also found 492 different types of coral reefs and 16 of them are new species that are not found in other waters in the world, all of which are still in good health. One of the uniqueness of Triton Bay is that you can swim with whale sharks, hold their rough skin like sandpaper, free dive using diving equipment and dive with whale sharks.

Papua Red Bird of Paradise

Birds of paradise (paradisaeidae) are found in eastern Indonesia such as in the Torres Strait and Misool Island in West Papua Province. The most famous bird of paradise is the red bird of paradise (Paradisaea apoda) This species is described from specimens brought to Europe from trade expeditions. This is amazing things in West Papua that so famous. Read also Getting Know The Priceless Natural Wealth of West Papua.

These specimens were prepared by indigenous traders by removing the wings and legs for decoration. This was unknown to explorers and led to the belief that this bird never landed but remained in the air because of its feathers. This is the origin of the name bird of paradise (‘bird of paradise’ by the British) and the name of the species apoda – meaning ‘legless’.

It is quite reasonable that this bird is dubbed the bird of paradise as amazing things in West Papua. How can this bird, which is also used as the mascot of Papua, has beauty with beautiful feather colors. It is because of the beauty of its color. The Bird of Paradise is also often called the bird of heaven or the Bird of Paradise.

Dead Bird of Paradise-Papua Wire

Reportedly, Indonesia is the country with the highest number of Cendrawasih species. All of which are in the West Papua region. The Dead-Wire Bird of Paradise (Seleucidis melanoleuca) is a species that has become the mascot or identity of the Papua Province. In addition to being a Papuan mascot. So people in Papua also use Cendrawasih feathers as a complement or decoration in their traditional clothes.

However, the existence of this bird of paradise is increasingly threatened. Hunting and illegal catching for trading purposes as well as the destruction of their natural habitat in the wild are the main causes of the increasing scarcity of this bird as a amazing things in West Papua.

There are information about amazing things in West Papua. Hope this can be your inspiration.