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Archeological and Historical Gem in West Papua – Mount Dezh

Salawati Island of West Papua owns a very valuable site named Mount Dezh. This site has diverse and functional archeological remains that mesmerize everyone. There is also a rich historical background that the mountain can offer to history enthusiasts.

The Historical Background of Mount Dezh

Before getting to know more of the archeological value of this site, it would be helpful to learn about its historical background first. The history of Mount Dezh is particularly tied with the Japanese occupation in Indonesia. Results of that activity are seen through the remains that archeologists managed to find in the mountain.

During the Japanese occupation, there was an effort to spread power across Indonesian territory, including West Papua. Of course, due to the difficult access to the entire island, the process was not as smooth as in the more developed area.

It was also challenging as the indigenous people of Papua still had a stronghold over each of their territories. Thus, the Japanese people set up a plan by occupying Mount Dezh as a starting point. Obviously, the plan did not succeed as the Japanese occupation in Indonesia only lasted for a few years.

Archeological Findings in Mount Dezh Related to Japanese Occupation

West Papua
Sumber : Okezone

Archeologists had uncovered many findings on the mountain, which proved that Japanese people attempted to inhabit the area. Here are some findings that the archeologists found on Mount Dezh:

1. Building Foundation

A shocking finding that the archeologists found in this West Papua area is the remnants of the building foundation. The foundation was measured to 12 by 14 meters. It is distinguishable from traditional Papuan houses due to the more solid and Westernized-style structure.

This finding indicates an attempt from the authority at that time to place their people in this area. It would be easier to take control of a certain area if there are already people living there, among the natives.

2. Daily Living Items

Archeologists also unearthed some daily items in the mountain area. Those items include ceramic bowls, broken bottles, and bicycle parts. Indigenous people of Papua did not utilize those items in their daily lives. Therefore, it is clear that the occupants were the ones who brought them.

Further analysis confirmed that the Japanese had reached Mount Dezh at that time. It was because, on the surfaces of those bowls, there were kimono drawings. Kimono is a part of Japanese culture, and thus it was clear to whom those items had belonged.

3. Factory Machine

Another archeological finding on the mountain would be the factory machine. This particular finding gains interest from many historians in Indonesia.  There was definitely a reason for the Japanese people to bring the factory machine to the area.

Moving a hefty factory machine from one place to another required ample resources, especially in that period. Therefore, it is suspected that the Japanese had attempted to establish a plant in West Papua, specifically on Mount Dezh.

The Appeal of Mount Dezh

Japan is a country with limited natural resources. This was the primary reason for the country to occupy other regions during World War II. West Papua is a region with various natural resources to offer, moreso at that time. 

This region can produce a high volume of coconut oil due to its vegetation. The closeness to the sea also proved beneficial as it would make the trade and other lucrative activities go smoother.  To the Japanese people at that time, Mount Dezh was likely considered a strategic location for the occupancy agenda.For Indonesian people, it is important to understand the value of Mount Dezh in the West Papua region. History has shown that even outsiders considered the place a gem. It would be better to work hand in hand with the government to maintain its condition.