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Cenderawasih Feathers, a Realization of the Unification of Nature with Papuans

Papua is famous as one of the regions in Indonesia where natural life is still preserved. The Papuan people live side by side with nature in harmony. One proof of the unity of Papuans with nature is the use of cenderawasih feathers.

The Cenderawasih bird, is famous for their beauty in the eyes of the world, so they are dubbed as a bird of paradise. Discover fascinating facts about the bird of paradise through the article below!

People who Allowed to Use Cenderawasih Feathers

Cenderawasih feathers can be used to make typical Papuan hats

As already known, the cenderawasih the bird of paradise is a protected animal—law Number 5 of 1990 lists the protection status of the Conservation of Living Natural Resources and Ecosystems.

This means anyone encountering the bird is prohibited from hunting, harming, killing, or trading it. If anyone violates this, there are legal sanctions that await.

You may wonder about utilizing this bird’s feathers amidst its status as a protected animal.

Apparently, this cenderawasih Indonesia feather is still explicitly allowed for residents. Local Papuans can still use them to decorate traditional clothing. Of course, hunting is limited. Fortunately, the people of Papua are highly aware of preserving their nature.

This is also related to the beliefs of the Papuan people, who consider this bird a bearer of good luck for the local community. A customary law will await the culprit if anyone disturbs the bird of paradise ecosystem.

In addition to decorating traditional clothing, bird feathers are used as crowns. Its use is to show the majesty of tribal chiefs and traditional leaders. Regents, governors, and other officials are also allowed to wear it. This means that only some are allowed to use the crown.

The Specialty of the Bird of Paradise for the Papuan People

Cenderawasih feathers attract many people

As explained earlier, the bird’s feathers have a deep meaning for Papuans. Not only its feathers, but this bird also has several features, namely:

1. A Messenger of the Moon Gods and Goddesses

The name of the bird of paradise comes from the term cendra, which means moon gods and goddesses. While wasi means messenger or guardian. After the words combined, cenderawasih means messenger of the moon gods and goddesses,

Therefore, people believe that if they continue protecting this bird, luck will always come for them.

2. Bringing Prosperity to the Community

Not only because of the locals’ beliefs, but the community also feels physically prosperous from the presence of this bird in Papua.

The people of some areas, especially Minggrei and Arfak, can feel their economy helped because of the visits from tourists and researchers.

People can receive enough money from just one visit to fulfill their daily needs. This is certainly an undeniable fact that cenderawasih is a helper.

3. The Connector of Heaven and the World

This third specialty is not only from stories passed down from generation to generation because old books reinforce it. The position of the bird of paradise is likened to one of the characters in Greek mythology, the phoenix bird.

Papua and Bali also consider the bird of paradise sacred because of its role as a spirit guide during the ngaben ceremony.

4. Preserving Papua’s Nature

Because of its high philosophical and realistic value, the bird of paradise can be one of the species that maintain the forest ecosystem in Papua.

The role of the community is also essential to make this happen, as they make strict rules to protect this bird. The community’s gratitude also drives this action that the bird of paradise helps bring sustenance.

5. Symbol of Majesty

This symbol is seen in the use of its feathers to crown leaders. When the elders wear this crown, it indirectly affects their authority and influence as an important custom figure.

Based on the explanation above, it is clear that it is not only the cenderawasih feathers that are valued by the population. Its existence as one of Papua’s identities is also appreciated with various efforts to preserve it.