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Get to Know of Kamoro Festival: Cultural Festival in Papua

It is already common knowledge that one of the most famous things in the land of Papua is the diversity of its tribes and cultures. It includes the Kamoro Tribe, who live in Mimika Regency. They have many interesting cultures. Then, to present it to the public, they held the Kamoro Festival every year.

The festival of Kamoro is one of the cultural festivals in Papua that you should attend. Usually, this festival will be held several times a year. This is because the scale is not as big as cultural festivals in other areas, for example, the Asmat Cultural Festival. However, this festival is definitely no less festive.

So, here are the things about the festival of Kamoro that you need to know!

Presenting the Tribal Culture of the Kamoro Tribe

Basically, the land of Papua has more than 250 different tribes. They have their own languages, traditions, and cultures which differ them from the others. That is why holding a festival is important to introduce their own culture to the public. This is one of the main purposes of the festival of Kamoro.

The Kamoro are one of the tribes that have a very rich culture. The most popular one is probably their own traditional dance. What makes it more interesting, is you can also dance together with them. So, apart from having fun, you can also learn about their culture.

Cassowary Dance

One of the traditional dances of Papua that came from the Kamoro Tribe is the Cassowary Dance. There will be around 30 dancers in traditional clothes. Then, one of the dancers will wear a costume similar to a cassowary. While the other one, a male dancer, will paint his entire body in black and white.

The dance is related to the legend that exists in the Kamoro Tribe. It is about a man who loves someone, but her dad disagrees if he marries his daughter. So, the man fled into the forest and turned into a cassowary. When returning to the village, no one recognized the young man.

This makes him get hunted by the villagers. However, fortunately, in the end, the villagers finally recognized the young man. Then, he taught all the villagers how to do the Cassowary Dance.

Besides Cassowary Dance, in the festival, you will also see various other traditional dances. Then, there is also a traditional tribal ceremony of the Kamoro Tribe. This is one of those experiences that you will not get anywhere else.

Handicrafts Exhibition

Besides their traditional dances, the Kamoro Tribe is also famous for its handicrafts. This is one of the souvenirs from Papua that you should not miss. Especially if you are visiting Timika, Mimika Regency, and attending this festival. The crafts of Kamoro Tribe are a must-have item for you.

There are many types of valuable art that you can buy here. From carvings, paintings, and various other knick-knacks. You can also take it home as a souvenir from Timika. Regarding the quality, you do not have to doubt it. Of course, the quality will be equivalent to the price which is quite pricey.

Culinary Festival

Aside from being cultural tourism in Central Papua Province, the festival of Kamoro can also be a culinary tourism attraction. Because at the festival you can also taste a variety of traditional dishes. From sago, and grilled fish, to extreme foods like sago caterpillars and worms. 

You can eat while enjoying the fiesta. Also, you can also communicate with locals and learn about their culture directly from them.Therefore, it is not surprising that the Kamoro Festival is indeed interesting in the eyes of tourists. Not only local tourists, but many foreign tourists also come to the festival. It is something you definitely cannot miss. Especially if you like cultural festivals like this.