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Biak Students & Teachers Get Math Quick Count Training

In order to improve students’ abilities, the Education and Culture Office of Biak Numfor Regency collaborated with Surya Institute to provide math quick count training with the GASING method to students and teachers in Biak. Check out below to find out more about this quick count method.

Math Quick Count Learning with Gasing Method

Learning Math with Math Quick Count Training

The GASING count method is a mathematics learning method pioneered by Prof. John Surya. This method implements the calculation through a step-by-step process. In addition, mastery of the material in this method is more structured because lessons of the advanced material are built after the previous material is mastered.

GASING itself is short for easy, fun, and joyful (Indonesian: Gampang, Asyik, Menyenangkan). In its application, children have to pass a critical point in order to be able to work on the problems in the mathematics topic being discussed. 

In addition, this method also invites children to play and explore using props. Not only that but learning using this method is also sometimes interspersed with songs that contain memorizing multiplication formulas. That way, students can learn mathematics in a fun way.

Following are some of the advantages of the GASING count technique:

  • Quick calculations (add, subtract, times, divide) without tools
  • Learning about a math topic always begins with a concrete understanding, making it easier for learners.
  • Improve IQ, EQ, and AQ
  • Improve psychomotor abilities because the hands are involved when counting with this method.
  • In accordance with the school curriculum

Jhon J. Sosuber, secretary of the education and culture office (Indonesian: Dispendikbud) in Papua, revealed that this method provides many benefits. 

Therefore, this method would be very suitable to be taught to Biak students. Moreover, Sosuber believes this method can create a Papuan generation who are smart, characterful, and cultured.

Math Quick Count Training to Students and Teachers in Biak

Math Quick Count Training for Students and Teachers

Based on information from Jhon S. Sosuber, the Dispendikbud of the Biak Numfor Regency will provide quick math training using the GASING technique to around 115 elementary school students. The students are from the third and fourth grade of elementary school.

In addition, the training will involve 11 Surya Institute instructors. One instructor from Biak has experience teaching the GASING technique throughout Indonesia. Meanwhile, several other instructors came from North Sumatra, Aceh, North Sulawesi, etc.

Meanwhile, Sosuber hopes that this method can train students’ ability to count quickly and absorb knowledge. In addition, Sosuber also informed that the training would last for 15 days every 07.00-17.00. 

Students who take part in the training are not allowed to go home during the training. However, they can stay at the Asana Biak Hotel which the government has prepared.

In addition to providing training to elementary school students, the Dispendikbud also plans to train 34 student-assistant teachers. That way, understanding regarding the application of this method can spread to other students and schools in Biak Numfor.

In its long-term plan, Sosuber explained that the education office will target training and testing of the GASING technique to 1,000 Biak Numfor students. That way, human resources in Biak will have superior quality in the future.

In fact, the Regent of Biak Numfor, Herry Naap, stated that he was optimistic that the children under the guidance of the math quick count method were ready and able to be tested by President Jokowi during President Jokowi’s visit in November 2023.

Meanwhile, of the 35 teachers who received the math quick count training, the 5 best people had the opportunity to participate in Prof. Yohanes Surya’s team providing training in other areas such as Aceh and Kalimantan.