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Mind-Blowing Facts About the Papua Blue Mantis 

One of the biggest mantis pets is the Giant Papuan Mantis or Hierodula species, Papua Blue Mantis in scientific terms. 

This species is popular because of its size and relative simplicity in maintenance. Occasionally, Hierodula Grandis is used improperly to refer to this species. You won’t be surprised to learn that Asia is the Giant Papuan Mantis’ native home.

Mind-Blowing Facts About the Papua Blue Mantis 
Source: Youtube/Basin79

The Appearance of the Papua Blue Mantis

The Giant Papuan Mantis’s hue can vary from medium green to deep blue, although it often is green or blue. The beige people might even appear somewhat pink. The animal’s environment is mostly to blame for the hue discrepancy. They may change color in a matter of days, but it is not yet known what circumstances would cause them to do so.

One of the biggest mantis species successfully kept in captivity is the Papua Blue Mantis. Adult males are just about 3 inches (8-9 cm) shorter than females, who are around 4.5 inches (9-12 cm) long. Additionally, the males are substantially lighter and slimmer than females. A male’s wings extend barely past the abdomen. The wings of adult females only reach the belly, and they are larger and thicker than males. These may exceed the H Venosa in size!

Papua Blue Mantis Behaviour

Species of hierodula A dangerous kind of praying mantis is the blue Papua. Once it detects its target, this species will begin a search for it. They are not the typical predators who wait around and wait around. A Papua Blue Mantis will attack anything half its body size or less; it is unfazed by giant prey insects. It is manageable and won’t assault you. Being close to people or animals in its enclosure won’t stress it out.

Papuan Giant Mantis Food

Adult Papuan Mantises are not picky eaters; they will consume nearly everything. When fully grown, they can readily snag large cockroaches, adult crickets, and locusts. All fruit flies are consumed by newborn L1 nymphs of the Hierodula species Blue Papua. As they become larger, they consume tiny crickets, flies, and immature grasshoppers. They will hunt to eat, and their prey does not readily frighten them.

Habitat Conditions and Housing for This Species

While room temperature (20 ° C) would do, the preferred temperature for Hierodula species Blue Papua is around 24 ° C. It may be colder at night than during the day, but it must be at least 17 ° C.

Although this species does not have high humidity requirements, it is still necessary to shower the mantis with water every other day so that it may be drinking. The ideal air humidity range is between 40 and 65%. The main cause of mortality for this mantis species is excessive air humidity!

As with all praying mantis species, this one requires a cage at least three times as long as it is wide and at least twice as long as it is tall. It implies that it must be at least 18 cm wide and 27 cm tall for an adult. A terrarium that is 30 x 20 x 30 cm in size would be ideal since it has room for several artificial plants and perches.

Papuan Blue Mantis Breeding

Breeding the Papua Blue Mantis is not too difficult for this type of mantis. This species has been successfully produced in captivity by several persons. Here’s how to go about it.

You must confirm that you have both male and female Giant Papuan Mantis. In this species, the females are significantly bigger, heavier, and broader than the males. By examining the segments on the mantis’s abdomen, you can tell the difference between the sexes starting around the L4 nymph instar. 

Males contain eight segments, compared to six for females. Early in the nymph stage, this form of sex identification is possible, although it can occasionally be challenging to the untrained eye. However, the distinctions become more obvious as the nymph ages. In general, male nymphs are a little bit smaller than females, and they also grow thicker and bigger antennae.

A mating attempt could occur 2 to 4 weeks after both couples reach mate age. Before placing the male in the female’s terrarium, ensure she has been eating a lot.

Final Step

A female’s aggression toward a guy can be extreme. To keep the female busy before introducing the male, it is advised to provide with her a sizable prey right before the introduction. 

It is advisable to remove the male and try another day again if you observe the female acting aggressively toward the male. Female Papua Blue Mantis frequently engage in cannibalism.

Multiple hours may pass while mating. If you want the male to live, you must take him out of the enclosure as soon as mating is over.