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Traditional Nature Conservation in West Papua and the Debate

West Papua is a land that is full of natural resources, beautiful culture, nice society, and it all spread all across the island. Conservation is the only way to protect the land because the natural ecosystem is interpreted as something needed for human life.

Nature is an area where people can live healthier with more fresh air, less catastrophe, and the strongly beautiful science-led view. Areas that have not been widely developed are areas that are still very healthy to be a place to live.

As the residence requires a larger area, then one by one the forest area becomes the victim. Areas that were once green are now starting to build residential areas, including what is happening in Papua with its nature.

Animals, plants, and ecosystems are disrupted so that currently various efforts are still being made to be able to keep this nature alive into the future. And the east of Indonesia is one of the regions that still relies on local wisdom for nature conservation despite technology.

Local View on Nature Conservation Across West Papua

In fact, the issue of natural areas in the West of Papua Island has to reach broader scope. The percentage from legitimate data survey has shown that many people around the globe pay attention to what is happening in that area nowadays, especially with its land.

But today, we are going to discuss Traditional Nature Conservation in West Papua and the Debate. Most of the West Papuans stated that they want to contribute to protecting the environment. Local wisdom is what they practice for the environment.

Local wisdom owned by them has a very big potential to build their characters of them and make a better place to live at the same time. Firstly, many respondents agreed to use teaching material to spread awareness about the importance of nature conservation.

But one that holds them back is the number of respondents that like to read is quite low. When it comes to the question of the importance of conservating Papua, in the west, they think it is very important, but most of all think they have no role in that point yet.

Right now, to maintain the cultural, environmental, and forest-physical, they use local wisdom, Sasi. Yet, it’s quite traditional, but at this time, Sasi still is the best that people that live in West of the Papua can live with their own realm.

Traditional West Papua Nature Conservation Critics and Debates

Sasi indeed is what is always practiced by the Papuan people because it is the viewpoint of them for what’s the fittest. But somehow, many critics and debates as this people-centered conservation method have not given any massive effect yet.

It is a traditional one, not much scientific research or even less the technology, involved in this method. For many researchers, Sasi should not be the primary focus on conservating the land, just because it may harm the economic value of their land.

 According to their answer, a corporate strategy needs to have a role despite protecting the land only. Every time the people-centered method comes into nature, the activities might not giving any big impact, it only limits but does not stop the damage.

Strong diagnosis and evidence have to play a significant role in conservating the nature region. But Sasi somehow has not given any solution for the negative impacts yet. So what to conclude here is, the West Papuan needs to offer any other practical alternatives.

What Kind of Methods Would Fit in West Papua Nature?

Although Sasi still gets a lot of controversies because it was thought not to include the more specific and resourceful idea, it could not have vanished directly. Another method could be mixed with SASI so it could give a much better result, so what are they?

  1. SASI With Reboisation

Rebosisation needs to be practiced in West Papua because when the land is too dry, the sand or dust could harm any other habitats. So reboisation could be said as the method to replant the plant.

  • Make sure The Nature Cycle go Well

The ecosystem needs to keep its origin. Don’t because of our own interest, it gave another domino effect by putting other natural creatures in danger. So we have to keep the ecosystem well and free from our greed.

  • Using Less Paper

Paperless, this idea may not be thought of by West Papua citizens yet, but it is the most important idea. As the paper is made from wood, many people try to profit as much as they can, including illegal logging in the forest or even spoiling them.

  • Put the Forest Clean

One of the bad behavior of rural people is still carelessly throwing garbage even in the forest. This waste is one of the dangers that can be harmful to the forest and the matter and natural wealth in the forest.

When it comes to discussion about the environment, often time, people directly link it to the traditional nature conservation method, local culture for instance. But in West Papua, they have not practiced the best yet, so it is better to mix it with another method.