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Understanding the Mega Project: Wasior Port

As an archipelago country, it is important to build connectivity. The Government of Indonesia has built many ports and supporting facilities such as roads and bridges in Papua and West Papua. The cooperation and support of the people of Papua is needed in creating real connectivity. The Papuan people also need to know about what projects are going on and their benefits for future life.

The development of the port was buid multiyears from the State Ministry of Transportation’s budget APBN 20052015 with an investment of about Rp79 billion. This year, Wasior Port has just passed one route from three sea toll routes and is expected to pass 6 routes following year. Tariffs for ship tickets in this sea toll, the president said later could be subsidized so that people can use it. In addition to passenger transportation, Port Wasior also to facilitate freight transport. However, the existence of ports in some locations does not necessarily reduce the price of goods, because for the transportation of goods still require connectivity with other modes of transportation.

 Wasior Port occupies 55,718 square meters of land with Hak Hakai status. Wasior Port is a harbor in the hierarchy of seaports. The construction of facilities at Wasior Port covers a 174 × 10 square meter dock, Trestle I of 48 × 8 square meters, Trestle II of 47 × 8 square meters, Causeway I of 160 × 6 square meters, Causeway II of 127 × 8 square meters and reclaimed 12,500 square meters. Wasior Port can be grounded by 3,500 DWT vessels with a dock faceline of -10 mLWS. In addition there is the construction of land facilities such as offices, passenger terminals, guard posts, pump houses, generators, warehouses covering 15 × 40 square meters, and a piling area of 10,000 square meters. Wasior Port can be derived from ship to 3,500 DWT with 10 m LWS dock faceline. In addition there is the construction of land facilities such as offices, passenger terminals, guard posts, pump houses, generator set, warehouse area of 15×40 square meters, and 10,000 square meters of storage space.

Keywords: Port, Wasior Port, Price, shipping,West papua
