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West Papua Ecosystem Rehabilitation’s Key Points to Grow

If for now, the rehabilitation in the forests and environment of West Papua has not yielded maximum results, then what needed is development on the ecological. But this development should not be arbitrary, there are main points that need to be known first.

The word ecosystem describes the biological community and the physical environment. In ecosystems, what is learned a lot is about nature which is the habitat of many living things. It is very important to understand the level of the ecosystem and its production stage.

So that this will bring to the level of the ecosystem and a wider view. The environmental perspective must be more detailed so that the concept becomes easier to understand. Because there are many challenges of rehabilitation in the forests of Papua.

There are already some indications that the environment here has declined in terms of quality. The flora and fauna that previously became the pride of the modern world have become victims. But what to do to save this environment?

West Papua Ecosystem Rehabilitation, Where to Start?

In the beginning, we will discuss the rehabilitation that may have already begun in Papua. But when it comes to the results, do you as a resident of the area feel the many positive effects of this rehabilitation? Or even none at all.

This is the main concern of environmental activists, the rehabilitation that does not go according to expectations. But that could be because the way someone started it was also wrong. It’s better to do rehabilitation in West Papua, starting from here:

  1. Freshwater Shortages

To start rehabilitation, the first step that can be taken is to find a program to supply fresh water. All rehabilitation programs will be able to run if the community consumes something decent, at least from clean water first.

  • Pollution

Air pollution is also an important thing to start rehabilitation in Papua. When compared to a few years ago, the level of air quality here has decreased dramatically due to pollution, so a way is needed to overcome this problem.

  • Habitat Modification

The ecosystem rehabilitation program must also cover the habitat of animals and living things in the ecosystem. The loss of habitat will affect others, the cycle of eating and being eaten in nature remains like this, so the composition must right.

  • Living Resources

Genetic diversity in living things must continue to be considered so as not to decrease in quality. Many diseases that arise in West Papua must be found solutions along with rehabilitation programs. So that the results are maximized.

  • Global change

Starting a rehabilitation program in Papua can be done by paying attention to global changes, how sea levels go up or down so that they know more about what kind of program to take. Don’t do it at random and the result will be unstructured.

The indication that West Papua Ecosystem has Collapsed

The reason why the rehabilitation of the economic system is urgently needed, the answer that is very easy to give is because this ecosystem has collapsed, its quality has decreased. Should not be allowed if you do not want there to be even worse in the future.

How can we know if the ecosystem in West Papua has collapsed? All of this has indications, there are already some signs of environmental damage caused by the higher human population, deforestation, and mining activities.

Significant transformations compared to a few decades ago will have an enormous impact on the lives of local people. A scientist with a background in bioanthropolgy confirmed that the geochemical composition there has changed.

In addition, algae, fungi, and lake sediments in Papua are no longer the same as they used to be and this indicates an ecosystem collapse. Bad chemicals from the soil can have a negative impact on living things and even kill some marine life if they fall into the water.

Fauna and Flora needs Good West Papua Ecosystem

Fauna and flora that exist all over the world need a good ecosystem. Extensive growland with adequate natural resources will facilitate life for animals and plant species to grow better and have adequate growth formations.

In Papua alone, about 66,500 square kilometers is a terrestrial habitat for animal and plant species so that they are always well protected and have a better ecosystem system. But not all of them have the same effect as each other.

So that it requires equal distribution of rehabilitation along the forest and the natural environment so that conservation can be a more strategic standpoint. A diversity program is needed, but it will be more successful if you have a place to hold it all.

Many species of vertebrates need one ecosystem type, while the other has other ecosystem needs. In addition to this, many species definitely can find their own habitat, their place to live. But the changing climate sometimes gave a bad effect too.

Variations in the environment provide different ways of handling as well. One type of animal may need a cold environment in Papua’s forests, while another cannot. So this is the point of ecosystem rehabilitation that is being carried out in West Papua.