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West Papua has Transmigrant Workers from Outside Papua

West Papua and the local government have conducted research and experiments on the community. The ministry of manpower and transmigration will reorient and refocus the implementation of the transmigration program development.

The settlements that will be occupied by the transmigrations are in papua and West Papua. The implementation of transmigration in eastern Indonesia has shown success in terms of regional development, agricultural and livestock development.

The minister of manpower and transmigration said that the implementation of transmigration in papua was carried out with a regional development approach to development. In addition, regional development is also carried out which is directed to become a new economic center.

The contribution of transmigration to papua’s development is not just population movement but also regional development. This aims to encourage the growth and development of centers of economic, social, and government activity in the regions.

The government made a working visit for 2 days in the West Papua region. During his visit, the minister of manpower and transmigration was awarded as the son of sentani adat by orgenes kawai on behalf of the sentani community.

The ministry of manpower and transmigration made adjustments to the transmigration program in papua after the reform and the enactment of law no. 21 of 2001 concerning special autonomy for the papua region. This is carried out through structuring the population.

Acceleration and Improvement of Development in West Papua

The government accelerates the increase in regional development in papua by reorienting and refocusing the transmigration program based on regulations. Government ordered the reorientation and refocusing of the program to be carried out with the aspect of preparation.

The preparation that is meant is the human resources of prospective transmigrants as well as aspects of community development and transmigration areas by the central and regional governments. In addition, the government also focuses on the preparation of settlements.

Through improving the quality of settlements with an emphasis on improving transportation infrastructure, lighting, and improving the community’s economy. To support this success, the collaboration between the agencies involved is also needed.

Appreciation and appreciation for the transmigrants and residents in various settlement locations can live in harmony and mingle is conveyed by the government of West Papua. They mingle without distinction of ethnicity, origin, race, and religion.

One of the pieces of evidence in the development of transmigration areas that are built and developed with a regional development approach is the integrated city area. This area was built to create an approach to the transmigrant community.

The contribution of transmigration development from the aspect of regional development is the development of transmigration areas. This will encourage the formation of new regencies which are divisions of the merauke regency area.

West Papua Transmigration Went Well and as Welcomed by the Local Community

The government hopes that the existence of a vocational training center in papua is very useful for training and educating local people to be smart and skilled. The existence of this blk can change the old paradigm of oap absorption in all business fields.

With this facility, in the future, the transmigrant and local communities can be independent in their respective regions. Thus, equality between local communities and transmigrants will occur and they will quickly blend in.

The manpower and transmigration office of West Papua positively welcomed the support from the minister of manpower by providing certified equipment and instructors. The local government prepared a large area for the construction of blk.

The first year a retaining wall was built at the site and the following year a perimeter fence was built. Furthermore, civil servants housing will be built which will function to manage the blk that has been built.

In the future, it is hoped that the government will support other supporting developments. The government’s budget is also expected to be allocated several parts to build this blk for the welfare of the community.

The Government Supports Funds to be Allocated to Public Welfare

The minister of manpower paid special attention to the West Papua provincial government’s plan to establish a blk. The quality of prospective workers in the papua area also needs to be improved by strengthening the existence of the training center.

The need to increase the competence of workers or prospective workers in papua needs to be accelerated by strengthening the construction of halls. This is certainly very useful for the development and welfare of local communities.

The support needed for this development is in the form of equipment and assistance in preparing the capacity of instructors with blk throughout indonesia. The instructor must also be following the majors that will be developed at the blk.

Transmigration communities in papua and local communities do not need to worry about how well their lives are there. The government will slowly support development and progress in eastern indonesia.

The government believes that the synergy between the central government through the blk can make papua with national and even international standards. This will accelerate the improvement of community competence in West Papua.