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Acting Governor Evaluation of 12 West Papua OPD, Here are The Results!

Given the many potentials of nature or its people, West Papua has always had its charm to discuss. To maximize this, the West Papua Government began to carry out an evaluation. One way is to evaluate 12 West Papua OPD (Regional Apparatus Organizations)

Check out the explanation below regarding West Papua now after the performance evaluation.

The Importance of Job Evaluation in West Papua

West Papua OPD Evaluation to Get Better

Evaluation of positions and competency tests for employees and environmental officials of the Provincial Government is essential.

The Acting Governor of West Papua, Paulus Waterpauw, stated this. With the evaluation and competency test, the local government is seeing good changes.

On April 14, 2023, he stated that service to the community is one of the priorities, so better performance is needed from every government unit involved.

The new arrangement is based on two aspects, namely:

  • Career shift for younger employees
  • Appropriate placement for employees who are about to retire

Rotation or placement of employees according to these competencies will effectively provide the best service to the community. So every employee can be sure to work according to their respective fields.

This can also be one of the “codes” for employees so that their performance during work does not decrease. Suppose the evaluation of performance and competence is terrible. In that case, the lousy impact will automatically be on the government and himself.

Reasons for Evaluation 12 West Papua OPD

Reasons for Doing an Evaluation of West Papua OPD

This evaluation process for government officials and employees exists for one good reason.

Some officials have non-job status because the results of evaluating their performance achievements are not good. An example of poor performance is failing to complete some government work.

Upon investigation, it turned out that there were many tasks that they still needed to complete when they served. This assessment or investigation was carried out by several parties, namely the Acting Governor and the team considering positions and ranks in each region.

Waterpauw also stated that West Papua news regarding this system had reached the Ministry of Home Affairs. The Ministry of Home Affairs appreciates this because West Papua has run the government appropriately.

In addition to the evaluation, his initial proposal was to streamline the OPD, which was initially from 47 to just 33 agencies. There has been a signal of approval from the Ministry of Home Affairs for this second proposal. Still, there has yet to be a written decision.

Because there is no written decision, the focus is evaluating employee competence first.

This downsizing proposal refers to the Governor of West Papua Letter No. 820.1149/GPB/2023 dated 2023. In which there is a merger and deletion of several local agencies, such as:

  • The merger of the Office of Education with the Office of Youth and Sports: the Office of Education, Libraries, Youth and Sports
  • Department of Industry and Trade with the Office of Cooperatives and SMEs: Office of Cooperatives, Industry, and Trade
  • Forestry Service with Environment and Defense Service (DLHP): Forestry and Environment Service
  • Regional Revenue Agency (Bappenda) with Investment Services and One-Stop Integrated Services (DPM-PTSP): Revenue, Investment, and PTSP Services.

Competency Evaluation and Test Process

To assess each employee’s performance accurately, the Provincial Government of West Papua, with the help of related parties, has developed a testing system according to needs.

An insight test regarding their service position is the main thing that will be asked in this evaluation. So, candidates for new or old officials will get the same test.

The test will be in the form of written work to be fairer and more transparent. This paper is also made directly at the evaluation location so that the potential for fraud by doing it at home will not occur.

Based on everyone’s answers, the examiner can determine which employees have met the competency criteria and which have not.

So around 12 OPDs have received evaluations as well as position rotations. From now on, the evaluation process for the West Papua OPD will also continue, especially for new Provincial Government officials.