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Fact And Myth About West Papua That You Need To Know

The word “Papua” is frequently associated with primitive life for some people. Because of this clash of paradigms, even some people are unwilling to visit or even live in Papua. There is a funny story about a Jakarta-born friend who was given a job in Papua. It is because he didn’t like the primitive living conditions there. Here will explained briefly about fact and myth about west papua.

Fact And Myth About West Papua

“He said” he only ate sago (and its caterpillars), so he brought sacks of rice when he moved here for the first time.Naturally, when he arrived in Papua, he was surprised to find numerous supermarkets and even ready-to-eat food. My large, who lives in Papua, says that this place is beautiful and nice to live in. I’ll lay out the actual state of affairs in Papua so that there won’t be any confusion.

Myth: Papua only has forests

Papua is actually a large island that is divided into two provinces: West Papua, which has Manokwari as its capital, and Papua, which has Jayapura as its capital. Additionally, it is divided into a number of regencies and municipalities. This is one of popular myth about west papua.

Even though some parts of Papua still have forests, the names Jayapura, Sorong, Biak, Manokwari, Fak-Fak, Merauke, Wamena, and many others will make you think that these names already look like cities.It has roads, traditional markets to supermarkets, a number of entertainment centers, and adequate facilities like electricity, water, and even internet networks, just like a typical city.


One of populat myth about west papua. The koteka may still be used by some indigenous Papuan people who live in the interior.However, as mentioned earlier, some parts of Papua are already cities, so the way people dress has also changed to fit the environment of the city.

This is evidenced by the opening of numerous well-known clothing stores like Planet Surf, Ramayana, and even Levi’s pants can be purchased in Papua. Even some people follow fashion developments and dress stylishly. Even though I live in Sorong, I rarely meet people who use koteka on a regular basis.

Fact about living in Papua is expensive

Because of this, I do not dispute the fact or myth about west papua that the price of goods sold in Papua is higher than the general market price in Indonesia. It is understandable that all of the necessities of life must still be “imported” from Java or other major cities, and it is not uncommon for these goods to reach Papua by air. Naturally, this raises shipping costs significantly, lowering the item’s eventual selling price. Read also Fact about West Papua that you need to know.

To offset the high cost of living in Papua, many businesses offer “expensive money” benefits to their employees. Papuans enjoy getting drunk, it’s true.For some Papuans, this is still a bad habit. They are accustomed to overindulging in alcohol and feeling drowsy even during the day. On the streets, it’s not uncommon to meet drunk people with sometimes silly attitudes.

However, the Regional Government specifically prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages in some areas. In Raja Ampat, for instance, it is against the law to distribute or sell alcoholic beverages to the general public. This is not myth about west papua.

Fact : You could get malaria if you go to Papua

Malaria is a disease that is endemic and is feared by people from Papua and elsewhere. There is no cure for this disease other than quinine pills, which is why it is feared so much. This illness causes a fever from dawn to noon and severe chills in the afternoon and evening. In addition to being accompanied by nausea and a terrible headache.

If you have a fever with these symptoms, you should see a doctor right away to get the right treatment before it gets worse. So this not myth about west papua.

There are explanation about fact and myth about West Papua. Hope this can be your information.