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PYCH: The Evidence Equitable Development in Papua

The evidence of equitable development in Papua under the leadership of President Jokowi is undeniable due to the development of many infrastructures within the region. However, many more agendas exist, including the construction of decent public facilities, a sports center, and the Papua Youth Creative Hub.

The latest would be something crucial because it will be the center for young Papuan talents to explore their skills and abilities. This place will also be the center of human resource development so that the local government can maximize its region’s development with such talents.  

In the following passage, let’s learn more about this Youth Creative Hub in Papua.  

What Is PYCH?

What Is PYCH

PYCH, or Papuan Youth Centre Hub, is the high point of the Indonesian president’s idea due to his recognition of many unexplored and undeveloped Papuan-qualified human resources. The government hopes the hub could help fight poverty and unemployment to increase local welfare.

The president inaugurated the Papua Youth Creative Hub building in Jayapura on 21 March 2023. This building is important because it will help young Papuan to explore their creativity and innovations. Thus, they can help increase local welfare.

PYCH building which is located in Jl. Poros, Kelurahan Wahno, Abepura District is accessible because it is only about 11km from the capital city of Jayapura. It is also a vast construction due to its 15,000 m2 area. The main building is 3,520 m2, while its supporting building is located in an area of 1,812 m2.

This youth center upholds its local culture’s values due to its structure which resembles the Honai and Kariwari, the traditional Papuan houses. This area will become a youth innovation forum and a place to maximize their abilities to participate in their region’s development.

The Facilities

The Facilities pych

A great and comprehensive facility in a project like PYCH is highly required because it will open a way to reach the goal faster. Thus, the government is very serious about preparing such a facility for the building.

The following are some major facilities you can find in PYCH, like the ones on Papua Youth Creative Hub photos above: 

  • Two stories main building and dormitory
  • Music and photography studios, MSME products, and multipurpose rooms so as to help young Papuan to achieve their full potential
  • A tribune for 300 people so they can hold a ceremony or other event in it
  • 100 Mbps internet connection; as a result, they can easily do everything online
  • Sports venue so the young Papuan can exercise themselves here
  • Parking lot and guardroom

PYCH Role in Community

PYCH Role in Community

Papua Youth Creative Hub BIN has a supportive organization named PMI (Papua Muda Inspiratif) to execute the programs to help increase the local society’s welfare. PMI is proven to do its solid job because it successfully prepares everything for the PYCH building inauguration. 

Their works, among others, are open auditions for marching bands, dancers, and carnival preparations.

However, their work does not stop right at the inauguration because they are still doing programs to help more Papuan young talents reach their full potential. PMI will become the motor of human resources development in Papua and collaborate and develop to its fullest.

PYCH programs are positive because they allow creative economy doers to promote and sell their products.  Its programs will also help them to develop their businesses, increase their market access and introduce their products to a wider community.

Thus, the PYCH program will help young Papuan pursue their dreams and enable them to participate in a greater cause: the region’s development.


In the long run, Gedung Papua Youth Creative Hub not only hopes to make a positive impact on Papuan creative economy development but also improve the Papuan standard of living as well. Thus, Papua Youth Creative Hub becomes significant evidence of equitable development in Papua.