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Traditional Musical Instruments in West Papua

Papua is a province in Indonesia which is located on the western newnggini island or West Guinea. Papua is also often called West Papua because Papua can be used as a reference to all Papua New Guinea including the eastern hemisphere of neighboring countries, East New Guniae or Papua New Guinea. Here information about traditional musical instruments in West Papua.

West Papua tends to be a term that is preferred by nationalists who want to separate themselves from Indonesia and form their own country. The province was once known as West Irian from 1969 to 1973, his name was later . Changed to Irian Jaya by Suharto when inaugurating the Freeport Copper and Gold Mine. The name that remained officially used until 2002.

The name of the province was changed to Papua according to Law No. 21/2001 Papua Special Autonomy. During the Dutch colonial era, this area was called the Dutch New Guinea (Dutch New Guinea). Here you will know about traditional musical instruments.

But short story, now the island of Papua has been divided into three parts which include: West Papua Province, Papua Province, and Papua New Guinea which is located in the easternmost part of Papua Island. Thus, a little story about Papua. But, this time we will discuss traditional musical instruments in Papua. Papua is a province that has traditional musical instruments that are still maintained today. Where the instrument has its own uniqueness.

Variety of Papua Musical Instruments

Traditional musical instruments are usually used as a dance accompaniment, or can also be used during traditional ceremonies and means to entertain themselves. But, unfortunately this Papuan musical instrument is only known by Papuans, this is because indeed traditional musical instruments from Papua Province are rarely exposed so that not everyone knows it.

But my Grameds buddy that we need to know, that the traditional Papuan musical instrument does not only consist of one type, but consists of various types with their uniqueness. So what are the traditional musical instruments in Wes t Instead of getting curious, let’s look at the complete review below!

Pikon is a variety of traditional whose name comes from the word pokonanne in. The language of balieme meaning as a sound instrument sound. Where this Pikon musical instrument is a typical musical instrument from the Dani tribe, often this music talent is played while resting while in Honai (local typical house). Read also Populer Traditional Dance From West Papua that you need to know.

Pikon musical instruments are made using bamboo materials that have a hollow bamboo segment and bamboo or usually called Hile. This musical instrument also has an oval shape with a very small size.

The middle of the Pikon musical as there is a rope that is mounted fast and also bound to a piece of stick, where the part functions as a vibrator. Pikon traditional musical instruments are generally played by men from the Dani.

Where the way to play this instrument is also quite interesting, namely by pulling the stick at the base. So then the vibrating pieces in the instrument will vibrate and can produce a distinctive sound.

Traditional musical instruments Element

Eme is a traditional musical instruments  that is often used by the people of Kamoro, Papua. Where this instrument is used as a means of entertainment . Also used when carrying out activities related to the customs of the Kamoro community, Papua.

Eme musical instruments will be displayed as a singing accompaniment, usually the event is a legend, rhyme or policy advice. The audience will usually also dance and be accompanied by the sound of Eme’s punch. Eme is a musical instrument that was originally made using a mixture of lime from BIA . And also the blood of human being smeared.

There are information about traditional musical instruments in West Papua. Hope this article are useful.