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The Energy Infrastructures Plan for the West Papua Indonesia

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) of Indonesia continues it’s commitment to create the equitable energy in that country, included in the West Papua and Papua province.

There are several resources that will be developed. Those are the gas and oil sector, electricity, and the renewable energy which become the main focus.

Jonan as the minister described in a media discussion that the policy and construction in the energy and mineral sector there is so real. The example is in the oil and gas.

Government built the fuel distribution in 33 regions in that province to make the fuel prices there are equal with those in Java. It means, the fuel price in west Papua will be more affordable.

Until now, 7 distributors have been placed in Tgat province. The “one price” fuel policy is distributed only to the agents level.

It means that the value can be more expensive in the retailer level. However, since the price from the agent is cheaper, the consumers are still be able to buy the fuel.

The Gas Infrastructures are Also Built

The policy above is not the only program owned by the government. It is because they also build the city gas installation infrastructure.

In 2018, two installations were made in the two different locations which have 11500 house connections. Furthermore, the maintenance is also becoming a focus so far.

That maintenance is through the LNG tangguh train 3 project for the east part of Indonesia, especially west Papua. Based on the plan, that has to be finished in 2020.

How about the electricity? The ESDM ministry has a huge commitment for the east Indonesia and that can be seen from the massive electricity constructions for Papua.

The target is 514 MW and that has been finished in 2019. Besides that, the village electricity program is also continued to reach 186 thousands members in 2019.

The Minister of ESDM also explained that the national electrification ratio in 2016 reached 9.16% or for about 59,656 mega watt (MW). However, it was not the end.

There are still 2,519 villages which have not been able to get the electric service. It needs some breakthroughs to make those villages get that service as soon as possible.

The Solar Light Packs for West Papua

One of the solutions which were made the distribution of the energy – efficient solar light packs or LTSHE. Those were distributed to so many areas in these provinces.

Each house will get 4 packages in total as Jonan said. LTSHE is going to give light to 293,532 houses in the 20 different provinces in Indonesia.

In the 2017 State Budget or APBN, for about 330.5 billion Rupiah budget has been allocated for 95,729 houses. Further more, 2018 has more budget.

The government gave the IDR 976.5 billion for that plan where the packages were distributed to 197,803 houses. What is LTSHE in more detail?

Actually, it is a breakthrough program to fulfill the electrical access and it is equitable. That is why; this project is perfect for the villages in the west Papua and other areas.

The equitable energy in the east Indonesia is also focused know the Renewable New Energy Sector or it is also known as the EBT. The EBT infrastructure constructions showed the huge results.

Along 2012 – 2017, it had been making 54 EBT Electricity Power Plant in the west Papua and around it. The other results are the 390 units of PJU PV/ Retrovit, and 5298 kw.

The Points of Discussion with the Minister

The discussion done with the minister related some important points. Everything has been noted. Those are like the hydro, solar cell, and many more again.

Everything is writenxthe by name address in the west Papua and the areas around. However, the major point is the energy infrastructure, one price fuel, electricity, and EBT.

Besides that, there are still some other points to note from the discussion and meeting with the minister. Those points are as follows:

  1. Budget and It’s detail allocation

In doing the program, the ESDM ministry has a commitment that the budget used must give the huge advantage for the locals. They have to be able to get that benefit.

It means that 60 – 70 percent of the budget should come back to the people in a form of the beneficial programs straightly for the public. That statement was described by Jonan.

  • Equitable action for the energy and infrastructure

Beside the equitable energy in the west Papua, the discussion was also discussed about the infrastructures development. That project is handled by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing.

His name is Basuki Hadimuliono where he explained about how to make the equitable connectivity for the transportation sector by the Minister of Transportation.

Besides that, he also talked about the program made by the Minister of Communication and Information, Mr. Rudiantara. Every parties have a good cooperation to make the west Papua better.